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Doujin Games Bidding FUND (See Post 10)

Started by hyperneogeo, March 12, 2015, 10:21:46 PM

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Would you be interested in a Doujin Game group fund?

13 (68.4%)
4 (21.1%)
2 (10.5%)

Total Members Voted: 19


NFG EDIT: This thread has been broken by what appears to be a database fault.  I'm working on it. 

Okay I've been looking at YAJ for a few weeks now and the doujin game market is out of control. My mouth has literally dropped everytime I've seen a game auction end. I got my hands on 2 doujin unreleased games that I plan to release when I get them. (Had a friend help with one of them) Every single undumped doujin game is going for big bucks. The only way for us to get these releases and get them dumped is to do a sort of group fund and have someone bid on it. Prices like $200, $300, $400, $500 is way too much for any one person to pay for a floppy disk. After the game is bought and dumped, it can be resold to someone else and the money from that sale put into the fund again. Would anyone be interested in participating in this?



I have two/three unreleased games as well! I'll be releasing them. Some money back from the community would be nice...


YAJ works like Ebay now.

Some sellers rise the prices artificially. Final prices are sometime bizarrely very high .


Yeah, it's pretty bad. I know for a fact BEEP shill bids their things as well because all of their prices go above and beyond the normal prices.


Gentlemen, I would prefer that the accusatory conjecture be kept to a minimum. 

There are plenty of reasons prices are going up, we don't need to be casting aspersions.


HAHA! Oh man... I'm wiped out already. We really should get organized. Would a figure of authority on the forum like to establish a fund?


If you guys can hammer out some reasonable rules for the management of this fund I'll happily get behind it.



Okay I was thinking of this for rules:

1) The holder of the $ will be BlueBMW as he is a person everyone can trust. Send him a PM when you want to send him some money and he'll add it to the fund. (it will be done by Paypal)

2) Bidding will be done by a person in Japan, namely "Rancor" if you guys know him.. He is very trustworthy as he does many bids for many people. MDL from what I understand knows him, and he is known on many forums as well. He does my bids, so I'll ask if he will do this as well.

3) If the item goes over the max we have in the fund, then the $ will go to another unreleased game.

4) If the item is won, it will be sent to be dumped. It will be sent to BlueBMW if that's cool with everyone?

5) When the item is dumped, it will be put up here for sale and the money will be put back into the fund.

6) If you want out of the fund, just give a PM to BlueBMW.

How does that sound?


Works for me.  Hopefully we can make something happen here.


Sounds good to me. I'm gonna sell a few things to donate cash.

I'd be more comfortable if Rancor joined us in this thread


Sure, I'll talk to him and get him to post. (When he is online in IRC)


Hey dudes -

I'm the bidder on this deal.  I'm not really on any forums aside from shmups:

profile link

and I'm usually in the #shmups chat a few hours everyday on EFnet.  I don't really play PC games (or anything outside of arcade shmups really), so I probably wont be around here too often unless someone PM's me.  I know MDL in real life, and talk to hyperneogeo every few hours it seems.  I mostly sell arcade stuff but did sell doujin PC games for a bit.  Anyhow, check the feedback on shmups.  Username is the same on eBay as well, but I really don't sell anything there anymore.

Just wanted to post to show that I exist.   ;D



Watched a video of Deadly Edge and decided I will donate a decent amount for this great cause.  8) Can we use paypal to send money?

For others interested:


Yes you can, give BMW a PM for his paypal address!



We have $150 CDN so far.  I'll contribute at least $50 to start.  More if we need it.


How much minimum donation ?



Rancor is good people. Usually visits casa Rob when he is in Texas.
"Console Mods" lurker



Ends in 3 days, get those donations in!


I'm trying to sell things but nobody's buying! I'll be listing some 68k stuff today.





Big thanks to everyone who donated so far, we can do this! About a day left!


Hey Rancor, what are the first 3 letters of the yahoo account that you will be using for the bidding? I'm assuming quite a few of us will be anxiously watching the auction when its near the end and want to know who to root for  ;D


It will look like this:

lov******** / 評価:129



We are up to $332 in the fund with a few more donations on the way.  Hopefully it's enough!


Ending tonight, get your donations in today if you can!




.. And I'm currently the high bidder at ~ $5.   ;D