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Illumination Laser found?

Started by caius, June 03, 2014, 06:01:20 PM

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Hi all,
I think I've found a copy of Illumination Laser , it shoud be included in this YJA auction, could someone with a good knowlegde of japanese language confirm it, please?


Looks like a lot of goodies in that lot hehe.  Wonder how much it will end up costing...


Yes, sadly I don't have the needed budget.I only hope  that the winner will dump these rare games (highly unlikely though..).


Nice!!! Lets hope superdeadite doesn't win it otherwise all we will get is another gameplay video...
"Console Mods" lurker


Quote from: RobIvy64 on June 03, 2014, 11:18:03 PM
Nice!!! Lets hope superdeadite doesn't win it otherwise all we will get is another gameplay video...

Does superdeadite has a copy of Illumination Laser?Anyway I found that sometimes he releases his dumps like Direct-X:


He does not have Illumination Laser as far as I know...




I sent a message to the seller and he replied he can't sell me only Illumination Laser since there are already bids on the auction.I ask him if you can make a disk image al least (I will pay him for this service if he wants), let's see what happens.


I'd like to make it an official forum rule that we don't criticize other people for having different uses for their own property than what we might prefer.  If someone else has something you desperately want and doesn't give it to you, that's your problem, not theirs.

I've had people scream at me for RGB modding my HiSaturn Navi.  I've had people off-the-rails upset because I didn't try to salvage one rare piece of hardware or another when my collection was flooded.  None of us have a legitimate claim over someone else's stuff, and what they do with it and who they do it with is entirely up to them.

If we want to discuss this, we can start a thread about it, but as far as anyone's copy of Illumination Laser, or any other rare undumped treasure is concerned, we can ask them, and we can be happy in our own lives that these treasures exist.

But that's all we can do on these forums. 


 I agree. As Kendrick said earlier, all private and disagreeing matters should be discussed through PM's.
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.




Myself and a few others are pooling resources to try and get this lot.  Wish us luck!


Normally I wouldn't respond to such an awful thread as this, but due to the huge amount of fail, I will actually respond.  One ignorant poster posts some bullshit about me, and then some random n00b joins the attack without even any proof.  FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL.  This is exactly why I don't post here anymore.   This community is AWFUL.

First of all, I have released many games, I see the new V4 image is out, and guess what, Overdriver, Gradius Arcade, Cynthia V2 all came from me!  All purchased with my own money, and all released to you for nothing.  I also bought Direct-X with my own money and released it for free as well!  BlueBMW warned me that my original archive contained malware (added by the free host I used), hence I deleted it, and now the game is freely available anyway via early downloaders, so I dont bother to host it myself anymore. 

So needless to say I've done quite a bit more for this ''community'' then the people attacking me here ever will.

Currently there are a few doujins I have that are not public, but guess what, all of them are STILL FOR SALE BY THEIR ORIGINAL CREATORS.  Yes they are still for sale to this day.  Sorry but I'm not gonna be the asshole who releases games publicly when their authors are still willing to sell them.

I've heard through the grapevine that I'm being accused of hoarding Y2.  This is proof of how much stupid bullshit speculation exists here.  Y2 does not work because the game is copy protected, it has never been properly hacked, I can play it because I was lucky enough to find an original copy.  That is the only reason it works for me.  No original disk, you can't play it.  Don't believe me?  There's a whole freaking thread for how to play it via emulator on Tokugawa.

Yes my personal HDD image is no longer public,  but the last time I released one I was accused of thievery even though I gave as much credit as I could and only used freely available stuff.  Releasing a publicly friendly image is also a pain.  I would have to delete the stuff I can't release, etc.  So no I no longer release my personal image freely, but hey I built it myself, just because you own a system doesn't mean you have a right to my personal works.

The sense of entitlement in this thread is simply off the scale.  Jealousy and ignorance have ruined this forum for me.  I only came back as a good old friend pointed it out to me.  At first it was just another fun lol, but the hate filled bandwagon that has started to build here is simply uncalled for.


Quote from: caius on June 03, 2014, 06:01:20 PM
Hi all,
I think I've found a copy of Illumination Laser , it shoud be included in this YJA auction, could someone with a good knowlegde of japanese language confirm it, please?

Still under 30K! You guys have any speculation on final price?

Hopefully Caius' attempts to reach out to the seller will prove helpful
"Console Mods" lurker


No idea... But we are prepared for the worst...


Quote from: RobIvy64 on June 07, 2014, 01:28:55 AM

Still under 30K! You guys have any speculation on final price?

Hopefully Caius' attempts to reach out to the seller will prove helpful

It's only up to him.I sent him  all the instructions on how dump his disk before to give  it away to who knows who and loose it forever.I think he is perfectly able to launch MKIMG.X and save the resulting image.Let's wait and see.


Quote from: SuperDeadite on June 07, 2014, 12:55:24 AM

Currently there are a few doujins I have that are not public, but guess what, all of them are STILL FOR SALE BY THEIR ORIGINAL CREATORS.  Yes they are still for sale to this day.  Sorry but I'm not gonna be the asshole who releases games publicly when their authors are still willing to sell them.

Anyway, obviously, it's up to you to release the disk images.But don't forget that a copy still remains a copy while you got the original!  :)


Quote from: BlueBMW on June 07, 2014, 01:58:01 AM
No idea... But we are prepared for the worst...
Better be.
31500 Yen and 1 days 16h left. Not good. Not good.


Was watching some D-Day event on TV. Seeing the remaining veterans tears in their eyes, theses guys who saved Europe from... Well you know history.

Puts some perspective to whiny, angry comments about SuperDeadite.

Anyway, my opinion, the guy has always been good advices and nice replies.
The guy does the hell he wants. Plus i support his position about not releasing games that are still on sale, abandonware is a thing, spreading products that probably a few copies are sold... Well, that's not just sharing a copy.
Plus i didn't know this community was so large, we could afford to be divided. Especially feud between people who brought so much for the mere non-Japanese mortal users. Get rid of me instead, i'm useless ^^

That said, i'll go to bed having a thought for the brave men and women that fought to get rid of that Adolf son a bitch.


I'm all about supporting content creators!

In fact, post up where these sellers are still selling X68000 games. I'd love to order copies of some of these games! Lets support their creations!

Lets see em!
"Console Mods" lurker


Quote from: RobIvy64 on June 07, 2014, 09:23:53 AM
I'm all about supporting content creators!

In fact, post up where these sellers are still selling X68000 games. I'd love to order copies of some of these games! Lets support their creations!

Lets see em!

Amen to that :)


Sadly the seller replied me that he can't dump the disk since the monitor is broken and he has no way of displaying the output of this X68000.So, I'd say, game over..
The only (small) hope is that the auction winner is a kind soul and will provide the dump to the community.

He said also that they are looking for a disk image too but can't find anywhere.


With the help of some others, I managed to win this lot.  It will take some time, but hopefully we can get these games dumped and shared.


Incredible news for the X68000 community!
"Console Mods" lurker


Quote from: BlueBMW on June 09, 2014, 03:15:40 AM
With the help of some others, I managed to win this lot.  It will take some time, but hopefully we can get these games dumped and shared.

That's great, thank you very much!Mine was only a small hope that the winner could be someone here but now it's reality! :)


Beamer, will you accept donations to help with the expenses?

It's the least we can do!
"Console Mods" lurker


Well, lets wait and get the disk image in hand first.  Keep in mind also there is a lot of excellent hardware in that lot too.  Between some of the ram boards and that complete XVI system there might be a lot of the purchase price already.

Once everything is in hand we will see.


How are you going to divide the lot?


I really dont know yet.  The retail software is duplicates for me so those will need a home.  Im sure some of the hardwarebits will be extra.  Ill be checking with the people who helped me to see of there are specific things they want.  For the most part I think everyone just wanted dumps of whatever isnt available already like IL.


Once again GameSX will make history !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Good job Ciaus you are amazing


Quote from: wildo2ne on June 09, 2014, 05:39:00 PM
Good job Ciaus you are amazing

Well, all the credits must go to BlueBMW, I only pointed out the auction and he won it shelling out his money.


BlueBMW is the man. I think that soon he will have a collection of every possible X68000 model.

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Ive actually passed on most of my extra hardware.  I mainly use an xvi and an 030 compact.  There are always people looking for systems so I try and supply as many as I can.


Hey, there's an XSimmVI in there. Those need to be cloned very, very, very badly as the circuit is damn near braindead simple but the boards are stupidly rare and hilariously expensive.


I think the tricky part would be finding the unique internal connectors that the XVI's dedicated slot uses.


Hey bluebmw!

Its been a while!

Well, I have bad news, and good news.

I was sent by the creator of Illumination Laser due to the fact he does NOT want the version you got bootlegged.
He was very sincere. He just does not want that particular version available to the public.

If you remember what I said a while ago? well, we have been working on this for years now...

I would really appreciate it if you could respect the creators wishes?

I know I have spoke with some x68k enthusiasts who just said "who cares? fuck them, release it"

and that is why there are games that americans never get a chance to play...
We have been working on this for so long... If this bootleg copy gets out to the public. It might squander all the work we have been doing...

Thank you for your understanding and please try to be patient in this instance.

I suppose the cats out the bag!

The creator told me he wants to release Illumination laser OFFICIALLY on NFG...
With a super secret background story/interview/ & guide for the secrets in the game...
This version is being x68kmodel/stage tested as I type this.

I am sorry about all this.

Its just that we have been putting in so much work for this to be official...
& the creator requested that this bootleg release be stopped.

He has done so much. Really he deserves all the credit for doing what hes doing... I am merely a messenger.
He is doing this for the entire community for free of charge. Just please dont bootleg his preliminary revision game.

I would really appreciate it if you respected the consent of the creator and were patient for a little bit longer.
Also... Through the version we are working on?
More people can play it on the real machine compared to the older version...

Thanks again for your patience and understanding in such a strange time...

How it could culminate twice at the same time is amazing.... I have an idea about who you bought that from also... but thats a whole different fucking story... but that copy was stolen... anyway...

Please contact me so we can talk about this.

I got a broken XVI with a XsimmVI... I payed 240.00 for the whole thing? or 200.00? yeahh.


(the person did not know there was an XsimmVI in there Im guessing. )

also, in case any disbelief has occurred... really not joking. totally honest...

I dont think robivy64 believed me back when I told him I was in contact with the creator...


I don't think we need to be dicks about this and question anyone's motives or actions.  If there's a legitimate chance the original author prefers to keep his release un-dumped I think we can honour that desire. 

At the very least, it won't be released here.    I've always had an anti-piracy stance on these forums, even if I'm turning a blind eye to the X68k because I love it so much (and I've seen first-hand what anti-piracy zealots did to Atari ST software - much of it's just gone).  We're not going to become a forum with a reputation around the world for being assholes.  =)


Why do you think he rebuilt this game due to lack of original code? Due to it being stolen in some deep organizational fuckery?  (laughs) ::)
He put in all this work for over a year for you and everyone else interested in this game. He has a real job... Hes doing it for the love and for the real fans... He got his x68k from his fucking parents house to do this... after 10+ years of it sitting in a closet...

supporting bootlegging an inadequate revision, according to the creator himself, would make you seem like an unreal fan... a cowardice fan. a thief.

I speak english. He does not. I am 1 of the people who made this happen a long time ago, by constant pursuit.
As well as trap15, and robivy64 who brought my attention to its existence. I have been working with the creator TERRA, so he asked if I could help him inform the community. If you were present when I visited the x68k irc chat room? I told everyone I was planning a public release if I was allowed by the creator. He told me last night he wanted to publicly release it here.

The release we have is able to run on multiple systems, the release in that auction only runs on x68030.
+ whatever other bonus additions that were made. (i have been informed on 1 added in stage 6, and stage 8)

If this is bootlegged, that would be a betrayal of years of hard work and passion for people who never deserved it.

Of course, I believe that everyone can understand what Im saying. I dont believe that anyone here is undeserving...

It is ridiculous though to even act like there is deception going on here... If only you knew the whole story...

I even posted a picture of the testing version running on my monitor...

It is not my job to question the creator of illumination laser, it is none of my business why he feels the way he does. I just know he does NOT want the version obtained in that auction to be shared.

& I know he is a great person who is honest and honorable.

I hope I can say the same for the entirety here on NFG.