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Xbox 360 out Now !

Started by Zou, November 24, 2005, 09:41:15 AM

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Hi everybody

Now the X360 is out and do you know if there are some informations about the AVIP. RGB, VGA, Sync H/V, YUV,... ?



The 360 has a 30-pin, assymetrical custom video port that's maddeningly non-standard. However, the usual suspects have already documented RGB output suitable for an SCART connection:

Note that two connectors go to pin 8 and pin 16 on the SCART plug, which is for +5V and Ground if memory serves me correctly. Happily, the 360 also appears to support VGA out of the box without additional hardware:

This is preliminary information based on research done by the Xbox Scene guys, and I can't vouch for any of it as I don't own the hardware to verify it myself. I'm waiting for a price drop and a game I actually want to play. :)

-KKC, who now has a fresh, resurfaced copy of Ico to play. Woo!


Quite frankly, I supprised that the 360 didn't get more fanfare here.

He he, It looks like the DS is even better then the Xbox 360 for us!


You're surprised?

Show of hands, who has an XBox 360?

I got mine. But I'm the only one I know with one (not for lack of want either), unless anybody pipes up in here.


I haven't got one, but if someone wants to send me one for, you know, a decade of supporting 'teh scene', I won't say no.  =D