Is there anywhere I can order a SCART connector?

Started by Computolio, September 20, 2004, 11:41:51 AM

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   I was planning to order 10 inline female and 5 maleSCART connectors from a British distributor, except they have no real provisions for shipping internationally and both the shipping and the exchange rate would more than double the price. I've Googled for hours trying to find a place in the US or Canada that sells them with no luck. Is there something I'm missing? What is my best option here?


Well, heck. I'll send you five male connectors for nothing. I've got so many I could damn near insulate the house with 'em.

Not too sure how I'd do that, but the point is, I've got plenty to spare. You can PM me about it, k? ;)


I know you seem to only be looking for plugs and sockets, but have you looked at ebay? SCART cables and other equipment are cheap there and sellers usually have no problem shipping to the USA. You could get a couple of 5-to-1 boxes for about ten bucks and that would solve your need for female connectors.


QuoteWell, heck. I'll send you five male connectors for nothing. I've got so many I could damn near insulate the house with 'em.

Not too sure how I'd do that, but the point is, I've got plenty to spare. You can PM me about it, k? ;)

   Any female connectors? I need those the most.