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Started by NFG, September 07, 2002, 08:38:00 PM

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My mainboard cratered late last night, for no apparent reason.  There was no data loss but a new motherboard was applied to appease the server gods, and the new system's 2.5x faster than the old one.

XP fought me all f**king day, but I busted ass for you people, and it's now (apparently) 100% operational.  The only thing in question now is the SQL server powering the forums; with luck it'll stand up to a reboot and all will be well.

Condolences and bug reports should go in this thread, please.


One small problem, when I try to post as my username, I get an error:

Flood control is enabled on this board, please wait 30 seconds before replying or posting a new topic

Same when I try to do a search.

Any ideas?


Congrats on getting the thing back up and running so darn quickly. That's no easy task at the best of times! I should know, and it took me at least twice as long.. ;)


Messages are showing in reverse order, gotta fix that.  At first I thought it was entirely dead...