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Question About Micomsoft's XRGB-2

Started by jdingo, August 14, 2004, 10:48:31 AM

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I have a question about RGB cables, but I am a bit unsure of my terminology, so , if I am making any mistakes in my explanation of what I need, please be patient with me.

I am trying to connect a Genesis, SNES and Neo Geo to the component video inputs on my Sony XBR KV-40XBR700

I also have a Sony PVM 2530 video monitor.  It has a 25-pin analog RGB input.  I have RGB cables to connect this monitor to my Genesis, SNES and Neo Geo.

I want to get rid of the Sony video monitor and instead connect the consoles to the Sony HDTV.

I have Audio Authority's 9A60 VGA-to-Component video converter.  My Sega Dreamcast VGA box sends its VGA signal to the Audio Authority equipment, so I am seeing my Dreamcast games in component video on the Sony HDTV.

I want to send the video signal from the SNES, Genesis and Neo Geo to the 9A60, where they'll be converted to component video on their way to my HDTV.

It seems I'll need an upscan converter.  Enter the Micomsoft XRGB-2.  However, this promising little kit does not have a db25 input.  All my analog RGB cables are female db25 cables, because they were made for the Sony PVM 2530.

So, my questions are:

 1.  Is it possible to buy a converter or adapter than will serve as a bridge between my existing (db25) RGB cables and the Micomsoft upscan converter?  If so, where can I buy this?

 2.  Where can I get RGB cables for my SNES, Genesis and Neo Geo that will connect directly to the Micomsoft XRGB-2?

My thanks to anyone who can help me out.

- jdingo