How Can I Build A De-multiplexer For Gamepads?

Started by retrofrog, July 15, 2004, 06:50:18 AM

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i read some of your articles on the mainpage and in the Forum but i didnt exyctly found what im looking for, im not an electronic freak so some things maybe passed me :(.
I build an little box that converts my Competition pro and other sticks into the Xbox controller port, simple by soldering all the points on the xbox pad onto wires.
Here is the link for my crappy documantation about it, theres a better one in the works.

Now I wannna build a little pcb that convert the signals that come from an genesis controller over the 9 wire cable into single line signals, so that I have one line for each signal,
like 1 cable for each Button etc.

this one is better:

I also wanna build this for many other gamepads, I know about soldering a new wire into the old gamepads, but i dont wanna do this and think it come smore expensive at the end.

be greatfull for any help and links that help me.



Soldering a wire for each button is probably the easiest and cheapest method for what you want to do. Other methods would include building a custom circuit for each controller, since NES, Genesis, etc all have different methods of sending button data.


When you consider your parts cost ($3-5 per adaptor) and cost of tools ($150+ for a programming kit) and time spent learning assembly language for the microcontroller you're gonna need, it might not seem such an attractive option.


ok. i hoped there are some chips that already have this functions.