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SxSI-SCSI HDD Image v2.20

Started by incrediblehark, June 16, 2023, 01:30:45 PM

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Hmm, I'm not familiar with your configuration so maybe someone with more experience with the ZuluSCSI will chime in, but it looks like the C: drive is being mapped as E: on your system. A: and B: should be mapped to floppy 0 and 1, are there any other drives installed?  If it boots fine, you could edit the autoexec.bat to change drive references of C to E, but you'd have to do that for every game, so you could use DRIVE C; E: in AUTOEXEC.BAT instead

Can you access F:? if it has the games folders in there theres probably a drive map thing going on.

EDIT: Added some other thoughts


Only the two internal floppy drives and a single scsi device in zulu scsi.
Tried to swap it from id 3 to 1 but the same effect.


Quote from: rezb1t on January 08, 2024, 02:04:55 PM
Quote from: alessiman on January 08, 2024, 08:42:49 AMIs anyone running this image on a ZuluSCSI? 

From what i can tell i need to convert the HDS to a HDA file but can't find any way to do this
Yes I am, all I had to do was rename the hds file to HD0.hda and it worked

This is an earlier post from rezb1t. Maybe try this?


Tried now but the same issue continue to have a phantom drive c: and drive c: show as e:


C: shows as E:
D: shows as F:

And C: and D: when try to access shows "DISK not inserted"


And when you change the name of the image whatever number you use is what if you set as correct? For example HD0.hda would have ID as 0. Is the zuluscsi ini configured correctly? I apologize if this is repetitive, I have never used that device and only basing on what I've read.


Yes when the name is changed from HD0 to HD6 the SCSI ID will change accordingly.
The only settings on my zulu config is parity = 0 and mode to x68000 nothing else.
This is the log that zuluscsi generates when booting (using id 1 in this example)

[12ms] Platform: ZuluSCSI RP2040
[12ms] FW Version: 23.12.12-release Dec 12 2023 19:41:41
[13ms] DIP switch settings: debug log 0, termination 1
[13ms] SCSI termination is enabled
[14ms] Flash chip size: 2048 kB
[14ms] SCSI target/disk mode selected by DIP switch, acting as a SCSI disk
[23ms] SD card detected, FAT32 volume size: 59624 MB
[23ms] SD MID: 0x9F, OID: 0x54 0x49
[23ms] SD Name: SD64G
[24ms] SD Date: 10/2023
[24ms] SD Serial: 0x935802DF
[47ms] Reading configuration from zuluscsi.ini
[69ms] Active configuration (using system preset "X68000"):
[70ms] -- SelectionDelay = 0
[70ms] -- EnableUnitAttention = No
[71ms] -- EnableSCSI2 = No
[71ms] -- EnableSelLatch = No
[71ms] -- MapLunsToIDs = No
[71ms] -- EnableParity = No
[190ms] Finding images in directory /:
[200ms] -- Opening /HD1_512.hda.hds for id:1 lun:0
[908ms] DBG ---- Image file is contiguous, SD card sectors 38742 to 6184789
[909ms] ---- Configuring as disk drive drive
[909ms] ---- Read prefetch enabled: 8192 bytes
[917ms] -- Platform supports ROM drive up to 1692 kB
[918ms] ---- ROM drive image not detected
[918ms] SCSI ID: 1, BlockSize: 512, Type: 0, Quirks: 0, Size: 3073024kB
[1019ms] Initialization complete!
[2690ms] DBG ---- SELECTION: 1
[2692ms] DBG ---- COMMAND: TestUnitReady
[2692ms] DBG ------ OUT: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
[2693ms] DBG ---- STATUS: 0 GOOD
[2696ms] DBG ---- MESSAGE_IN
[2697ms] DBG ------ IN: 0x00
[2697ms] DBG -- BUS_FREE


Something interesting is that if boot from the "master floppy" the disk used to configure the sram and install the sasi thingy to sram from the wiki:

The boot disk will get the drives correctly C: and E:


I'm using a ZuluSCSI with an XVI Compact system by plugging it up via the external fdd port on the back, it looks like the SCSI ID it's set to boot from in switch.x is 7.

Not sure if any of that helps but I hope it does.


If it's working with the master disk but not the sram boot loader the only other thing I would suggest is clearing the sram and reinstalling the boot loader with the commands from the wiki:

cd sxsi

Rename your HD1_512.hda.hds to HD0_512.hda (make sure file extension is changed) and see if it will boot correctly without floppy.


Quote from: incrediblehark on February 01, 2024, 11:17:15 PMIf it's working with the master disk but not the sram boot loader the only other thing I would suggest is clearing the sram and reinstalling the boot loader with the commands from the wiki:

cd sxsi

Rename your HD1_512.hda.hds to HD0_512.hda (make sure file extension is changed) and see if it will boot correctly without floppy.

The file is named HD0, also the sram configuration has been done like you suggested tried several times to clear the sram and do it again but no changes.
The system boots fine directly from the zulu scsi but the issue is that the disk partitions shows as E: and F: in place of C: and D: and this mess up all bat files and scripts in the drive.


Now after booting the image doing the "drive" command:

The system seems to think that i have 4 floppy drives installed ?.
And is assigning drive letters to them.


This is what it seemed like from your initial post, which made me think you had more drives installed. Really weird it's doing this, I wonder what the bug would be. Maybe @rezb1t would be willing to share their log or ini to compare?

As a temp workaround until this is sorted out you could add lines to your autoexec.bat to remap the drives:

CD BIN (Note: path to DRIVE command, may be SYS, I can't remember atm)

If you put this at the top of autoexec it should run before everything else on there and allow the drives to be mapped properly.

When I get home I can put together an image for you to try with the changes made to autoexec and config.sys and see if it works for your setup


Quote from: incrediblehark on February 02, 2024, 03:38:46 AMThis is what it seemed like from your initial post, which made me think you had more drives installed. Really weird it's doing this, I wonder what the bug would be. Maybe @rezb1t would be willing to share their log or ini to compare?

As a temp workaround until this is sorted out you could add lines to your autoexec.bat to remap the drives:

CD BIN (Note: path to DRIVE command, may be SYS, I can't remember atm)

If you put this at the top of autoexec it should run before everything else on there and allow the drives to be mapped properly.

When I get home I can put together an image for you to try with the changes made to autoexec and config.sys and see if it works for your setup

Cool that was exactly was I was trying to do now.
And seems to work fine at least the system boots to the file manager now.


Good to hear! I know it's not the ideal solution but it's what you would need to do if you had 4 floppy drives installed. Zuluscsi doesn't set any virtual floppy disks does it?


Don't matter, seems to have done the trick all works fine.
Anyway is kinda bizarre that my system see 4 floppy's maybe it will need an exorcism or something like that xD.

ZuluSCSI is scsi only no floppy images only hard disc images and goes to the internal sasi port via the original cable.

Thanks for all your help :)


Really interesting... would like to know if this affects other ZuluSCSI owners.

v2.10 will be out soon with more content added just a heads up you may need to edit your autoexec.bat again if you want to switch to it.


Glad to hear things are working now!

Here's my ZuluSCSI log and config as requested:

[12ms] Platform: ZuluSCSI RP2040
[12ms] FW Version: 23.12.13-release Dec 13 2023 00:34:03
[13ms] DIP switch settings: debug log 0, termination 1
[13ms] SCSI termination is enabled
[14ms] Flash chip size: 4096 kB
[14ms] SCSI target/disk mode selected by DIP switch, acting as a SCSI disk
[47ms] SD card detected, FAT64 volume size: 29499 MB
[48ms] SD MID: 0x27, OID: 0x50 0x48
[48ms] SD Name: SD32G
[48ms] SD Date: 6/2022
[48ms] SD Serial: 0x1D080D41
[67ms] Reading configuration from zuluscsi.ini
[85ms] Active configuration:
[85ms] -- SelectionDelay = 255
[86ms] -- EnableUnitAttention = No
[86ms] -- EnableSCSI2 = Yes
[86ms] -- EnableSelLatch = No
[87ms] -- MapLunsToIDs = No
[87ms] -- EnableParity = Yes
[208ms] Finding images in directory /:
[217ms] -- Opening /HD0.hda for id:0 lun:0
[219ms] ---- Configuring as disk drive drive
[219ms] ---- Read prefetch enabled: 8192 bytes
[226ms] -- Platform supports ROM drive up to 3740 kB
[226ms] ---- ROM drive image not detected
[227ms] SCSI ID: 0, BlockSize: 512, Type: 0, Quirks: 0, Size: 3073024kB
[327ms] Initialization complete!
[9769ms] WARNING: Host used command 0x1A which is affected by drive geometry. Current settings are 63 sectors x 255 heads = 16065 but image size of 6146048 sectors is not divisible. This can cause error messages in diagnostics tools.

INI file:
# Settings that apply to all SCSI IDs

# Select a system preset to apply default settings
# Known systems: "Mac", "MacPlus"

Debug = 0   # Same effect as DIPSW2, enables verbose log messages
#SelectionDelay = 255   # Millisecond delay after selection, 255 = automatic, 0 = no delay
#Dir = "/"   # Optionally look for image files in subdirectory
#Dir2 = "/images"  # Multiple directories can be specified Dir1...Dir9
#DisableStatusLED 1 # 0: Use status LED, 1: Disable status LED

# NOTE: PhyMode is only relevant for ZuluSCSI V1.1 at this time.
#PhyMode = 0   # 0: Best available  1: PIO  2: DMA_TIMER  3: GREENPAK_PIO   4: GREENPAK_DMA
# The PhyMode parameter has no effect on ZuluSCSI RP2040-based platforms, as there is only one PHY mode.

# Settings that can be needed for compatibility with some hosts
#Quirks = 0   # 0: Standard, 1: Apple, 2: OMTI, 4: Xebec, 8: VMS
#EnableUnitAttention = 0 # Post UNIT_ATTENTION status on power-on or SD card hotplug
EnableSCSI2 = 1 # Enable faster speeds of SCSI2
#EnableSelLatch = 0 # For Philips P2000C and other devices that release SEL signal before BSY
EnableParity = 1 # Enable parity checks on platforms that support it (RP2040)
#MapLunsToIDs = 0 # For Philips P2000C simulate multiple LUNs
#MaxSyncSpeed = 10 # Set to 5 or 10 to enable synchronous SCSI mode, 0 to disable

# ROM settings
#DisableROMDrive = 1 # Disable the ROM drive if it has been loaded to flash
#ROMDriveSCSIID = 7 # Override ROM drive's SCSI ID

# Settings that can be specified either per-device or for all devices.
#Vendor = "QUANTUM"
#Product = "FIREBALL1"
#Version = "1.0"
#Serial = "0123456789ABCDEF"
#Type = 0     # 0: Fixed, 1: Removable, 2: Optical, 3: Floppy, 4: Mag-optical, 5: Tape
#TypeModifier = 0  # Affects only INQUIRY response
#SectorsPerTrack = 63
#HeadsPerCylinder = 255
#RightAlignStrings = 0 # Right-align SCSI vendor / product strings, defaults on if Quirks = 1
#PrefetchBytes = 8192 # Maximum number of bytes to prefetch after a read request, 0 to disable
#ReinsertCDOnInquiry = 1 # Reinsert any ejected CD-ROM image on Inquiry command
#ReinsertAfterEject = 1 # Reinsert next CD image after eject, if multiple images configured.
#EjectButton = 0 # Enable eject by button 1 or 2, or set 0 to disable

# Settings can be overridden for individual devices.
#Product = "Disk with ID2"

#Product = "CD-ROM Drive"
#Type = 2

# If IMG0..IMG9 are specified, they are cycled after each CD eject command.
#IMG0 = FirstCD.iso
#IMG1 = SecondCD.bin

# Raw sector range from SD card can be passed through
# Format is RAW:first_sector:last_sector where sector numbers can be decimal or hex.
# If end sector is beyond end of SD card, it will be adjusted automatically.
# [SCSI4]
# IMG0 = RAW:0x00000000:0xFFFFFFFF # Whole SD card

Also I checked the output of the drive command and there are only 2 floppy drives present on my system, as expected.

I'm excited to hear that v2.10 will be here soon!


rezb1t, Thank you for posting this!

soviet, I see some differences here compared to your log:

[85ms] -- SelectionDelay = 255
[86ms] -- EnableUnitAttention = No
[86ms] -- EnableSCSI2 = Yes
[86ms] -- EnableSelLatch = No
[87ms] -- MapLunsToIDs = No
[87ms] -- EnableParity = Yes

Maybe try configuring the ini/settings to closer match rezb1t's and give feedback on what happens? I think if we can narrow down the root cause of this would be helpful for anyone else, and can be added to readme for setup instructions.


Just a comment, zuluscsi recently implemented the x68000 quirks, forked from my changes in bluescsi firmware, rezb1t seems using the old firmware without specific x00 sasi commands.

 So differences may be others between zuluscsi users.
And, just for adding my experience, i have no issue with bluescsi v2 and internal floppies set as 3/4 and external HxC as 1/2


Quote from: aotta on February 02, 2024, 07:26:42 PMJust a comment, zuluscsi recently implemented the x68000 quirks, forked from my changes in bluescsi firmware, rezb1t seems using the old firmware without specific x00 sasi commands.

 So differences may be others between zuluscsi users.
And, just for adding my experience, i have no issue with bluescsi v2 and internal floppies set as 3/4 and external HxC as 1/2
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, will update!


Quote from: rezb1t on February 02, 2024, 07:45:18 PM
Quote from: aotta on February 02, 2024, 07:26:42 PMJust a comment, zuluscsi recently implemented the x68000 quirks, forked from my changes in bluescsi firmware, rezb1t seems using the old firmware without specific x00 sasi commands.

 So differences may be others between zuluscsi users.
And, just for adding my experience, i have no issue with bluescsi v2 and internal floppies set as 3/4 and external HxC as 1/2
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, will update!
You're welcome, the update should fix on sasi x68k some "sector not found, r/i/a", if you got any


Quote from: incrediblehark on February 02, 2024, 09:49:51 AMrezb1t, Thank you for posting this!

soviet, I see some differences here compared to your log:

[85ms] -- SelectionDelay = 255
[86ms] -- EnableUnitAttention = No
[86ms] -- EnableSCSI2 = Yes
[86ms] -- EnableSelLatch = No
[87ms] -- MapLunsToIDs = No
[87ms] -- EnableParity = Yes

Maybe try configuring the ini/settings to closer match rezb1t's and give feedback on what happens? I think if we can narrow down the root cause of this would be helpful for anyone else, and can be added to readme for setup instructions.

Maybe he have an SCSI model x68000.
Older ones like mine that has SASI don't seem to like parity or SCSI2.
Going to try the settings anyway.


Ah, yes you're right.. I believe they said it was an xvi


Quote from: soviet on February 03, 2024, 08:41:43 AM
Quote from: incrediblehark on February 02, 2024, 09:49:51 AMrezb1t, Thank you for posting this!

soviet, I see some differences here compared to your log:

[85ms] -- SelectionDelay = 255
[86ms] -- EnableUnitAttention = No
[86ms] -- EnableSCSI2 = Yes
[86ms] -- EnableSelLatch = No
[87ms] -- MapLunsToIDs = No
[87ms] -- EnableParity = Yes

Maybe try configuring the ini/settings to closer match rezb1t's and give feedback on what happens? I think if we can narrow down the root cause of this would be helpful for anyone else, and can be added to readme for setup instructions.

Maybe he have an SCSI model x68000.
Older ones like mine that has SASI don't seem to like parity or SCSI2.
Going to try the settings anyway.

I think you're right, it's an XVI Compact which does have native SCSI


@incrediblehark if your making a new Image revision, a little request please.

There are some games with Japanese listed names, but they have very familiar English names.

For example Hishouzame = Flying Shark

Would if be possible to add the English name also to the text title? So for example:
Hishouzame/Flying Shark
Or add another game entry in English that links to the Japanese title (so you don't need to save another folder on the HD).

I am not asking for every title, just there are about 5 very popular games where the common English name is not used. I do remember that Ghouls and Ghosts begins with Dai... 😀


(P.S. I'm not checking this in front of my X68000, so I might have got things wrong. That poor memory again!)


@HIggy - I have no problem changing names to better match what the game is more commonly known as in English. I can edit the !Start.bat to include both names, but for folder structure I don't want names to get too long, we can't go past the (already extended) 21 character limit. When you get a chance could you post the 5 (or more) titles you are referring to with their name changes, and I'll make the necessary edits to the folder names before 2.10 is released. Shooting for end of week to upload.


@incrediblehark - many thanks. These little things really help, and I am so glad you are option to these sort of suggestions.
Including both names in the list would be my preferred option also, so that is great.
I might have time tonight, or I can get done on Friday afternoon (UK time) as I have the afternoon off work.


@incrediblehark I've had a look through now:

Shooting - Vertical
Kyukyoku Tiger = TwinCobra
Flying Shark = HiShoZame

Action - Platform
ArgosNoSenshi = Rygar

Also I thought it was discussed in the Forum that you could search in LHES? I could not see how to in the Guide.



Thanks! Just to clarify, I am changing the folder names of the games listed to the alternate ones you have given.

I will make those changes and get the image ready for distribution.

I'll also look into the search function, to be honest I have never used it but if it works well I can add a section to my user guide

EDIT: Looks like the search function is "S" but it only searches from within the current directory.

EDIT 2: This has been completed. Image ready to upload - I have one more game to add depending on if I get the ok, then I will release it!


@incrediblehark - sorry for the confusion. Can we have both, so for the games listed we would have 2 entries, the English and Japanese.

So for example a listing of FlyingShark (common English title) and another listing of HiShoZame (Japanese nams of Flying Shark) both linking to the same files.

Edit - sorry looking back,  my use of = in post #148 does not make sense, so I can see why it was not clear.
Hopefully this is clearer:

Shooting - Vertical
Kyukyoku Tiger (current 2.0 entry) and another new entry TwinCobra
Flying Shark (current v2 entry) and add another new entry HiShoZame

Action - Platform
ArgosNoSenshi (current v2 entry) and add another new entry Rygar

(Regarding Flying Shark, it already had the English title in v2 (although it's the European name) , but I thought it would be nice to then add a separate new entry with the Japanese known title of the game. I think in the USA it is known as Sky Shark! It was a favourite of mine on the ZX Spectrum).


Updated to 2.10 - see link in OP. Very doujin heavy game update this time around. I know I said this before... but we are close to capacity on the disk. Going forward we can decide on what to remove to make space for more deserving content.

As a side note, this will probably be my last update for a while unless there are small fixes to be made. The laptop I've been building this with is on its last legs. Thankfully I was able to move to my Windows VM but its not as convenient as sitting on my couch while chugging away at batch files.

As always, please report any issues and feel free to make any suggestions or requests. Enjoy!

Quote from: Shentok on October 20, 2023, 04:56:44 PMIf you want to add another game, Mai (Dancing Mai) works with 2HDSIM. The executable line is
tank.x -Pb:\pcd\m1_09b.pcd and Disk A is also the disk for saving.

My Eyes can also be ran with 2HDSIM:
my_eyes.x A:\INIT.BSI believe Disk A is also for saving. If you're using the set on Archive, be sure to use the alternates for A and B disks as the originals are bad dumps.

@Shentok - I was going through old posts and realized I never added your requests. Sorry about that! Will be slated for a future update.


Quote from: incrediblehark on February 10, 2024, 03:39:39 PMUpdated to 2.10 - see link in OP. Very doujin heavy game update this time around. I know I said this before... but we are close to capacity on the disk. Going forward we can decide on what to remove to make space for more deserving content.

As a side note, this will probably be my last update for a while unless there are small fixes to be made. The laptop I've been building this with is on its last legs. Thankfully I was able to move to my Windows VM but its not as convenient as sitting on my couch while chugging away at batch files.

As always, please report any issues and feel free to make any suggestions or requests. Enjoy!

Quote from: Shentok on October 20, 2023, 04:56:44 PMIf you want to add another game, Mai (Dancing Mai) works with 2HDSIM. The executable line is
tank.x -Pb:\pcd\m1_09b.pcd and Disk A is also the disk for saving.

My Eyes can also be ran with 2HDSIM:
my_eyes.x A:\INIT.BSI believe Disk A is also for saving. If you're using the set on Archive, be sure to use the alternates for A and B disks as the originals are bad dumps.

@Shentok - I was going through old posts and realized I never added your requests. Sorry about that! Will be slated for a future update.

Hey no worries. I was mostly just listing stuff that could have an HDD install and work fine since they were games I was interested in and wanted to share the info. Thanks to your scripts, it's been fun to try and see what works and what doesn't with various methods. If I might have a suggestion, Shanghai II by Hudson Soft is way better than the other ones you included if you want to remove two games for one.


Excellent work, incrediblehark! Running like a charm.

Maybe I'll have an x68000 translation for you to add one of these days 😂


Wondering how the famicom games in the misc folder are played ?.
The games start but don't respond to any keyboard input, and the joystick do nothing.
Tried the second port in the back of the X68K but no response.


Quote from: soviet on February 28, 2024, 07:36:25 AMWondering how the famicom games in the misc folder are played ?.
The games start but don't respond to any keyboard input, and the joystick do nothing.
Tried the second port in the back of the X68K but no response.

Use Opt1 and Opt2 on the keyboard like the Select and Start buttons on the gamepad, then joystick for the game itself.


Doujin dump of stuff released today.

Would be neat to maybe have it live on an image.


Thanks for that link! danham reached out to me recently and I have some of his newest game dumps set for v2.20. Just rearranging files and making room. I also have an updated SFXVI and some midi stuff to add.

Any suggestions for titles to remove to free up space? I may get rid of some of my floppy disk images to make space for installed games as well.


Quote from: incrediblehark on March 07, 2024, 03:28:20 AMThanks for that link! danham reached out to me recently and I have some of his newest game dumps set for v2.20. Just rearranging files and making room. I also have an updated SFXVI and some midi stuff to add.

Any suggestions for titles to remove to free up space? I may get rid of some of my floppy disk images to make space for installed games as well.
I continue suggest you to add more SCSI volumes as told in some previous post, not sure if it works with scsi machines but it would be great for SASI ones! ;)