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Illumination Laser found?

Started by caius, June 03, 2014, 06:01:20 PM

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Quote from: Opethian on June 20, 2014, 03:45:48 AM
He doesn't have to rework anything I'll buy a disk to support his current efforts not for improvements.
Thank you for your offer, but TERRA just desires that everyone enjoy his o' game. ;)
He truly wants no financial involvement with this. Thank you all for your understanding.
& I was not singling you out or anything, there was a multitude of people asking to buy physical copies.

Quote from: RobIvy64 on June 20, 2014, 03:55:41 AM
Everyone seems to be loving the game so far, myself included.

I can speak for everyone here in saying that we are extremely grateful for his generosity in sharing his work with us.

The game is a unique addition to the X68000 library that outshines the dozens of other shooters on the system. I love it's music and unique style and gameplay mechanics.

Thanks everyone, it is indeed an otherworldly piece of interactive art... I really think it is my favorite stg ever, and I have played hundreds... Man does it get hard on a slowdown inducing level on the later stages too. If its running full speed it is for the most hardened stg veteran.

Again, thanks everyone, it is great to know people are having fun.

Interview coming soon!


Was TERRA also behind Metal Force on the PC-98?

Someone named "TERRA" is in the opening credits.
"Console Mods" lurker


Quote from: RobIvy64 on June 21, 2014, 03:20:18 AM
Was TERRA also behind Metal Force on the PC-98?

Someone named "TERRA" is in the opening credits.

It can be, probably he is one of the coder.The main developer company of Metal Force  is  You-en-tai  (メタルフォース ).We could ask him, why not?  :)


He might be ?  ;D

This subject and more is available in the interview.  8)


Maybe to show our appreciation, we could think more about sending postcard or a small gift relating to our area/country?


Gah! I bought a RAM board to help me be able to play this and still no luck. :o What does the attached message mean?

This is on a Super with a BasicHouse 2 mb ram board that I have upgraded to 4mb. It's passing tests in Memtest68k right now, so I *think* my soldering work is ok.

It does have a co-processor installed as well, but I've tried it with float2 and float3 with no change. I've copied the HD version to a fresh copy of the Eidis v4 image and created a !Start.bat from the auto exec that came with the game (basically, added a subst and removed the call to float2).

Any advice would be much appreciated! I'm able to run other games in the Games3 directory, so I think at least the base 2mb + 2mb on the BasicHouse is working as expected. Thought that was enough for IL as well, but maybe that wasn't my issue after all.

Edit: Forgot to mention that I have set the amount of RAM in switch.x after installing the RAM board and it's stored as it should be.


 Hi 98pacecar !

The error might say "can not open Object\TMP00.SP".

I have noticed in your picture that you have 327680 Byte XSP and 0 Byte FRM. The IL on my setup shows 981376 XSP and 43872 FRM. How much free memory does LHES show in the upper right corner ?

Here are the config files which I used:

FILES     = 30
BUFFERS   = 20 1024

rem DCACHE2 A: -M512
IF EXIST !Start.bat !Start.bat

mcdrv -B64
mcdrv -r

Worked fine on 4MB machine.

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


That error refers to the fact  he has no sufficient memory to load the games files.I had the same issue me too due   the expansion slot module was not inserted well (I have a 4MB expansion card).I could set 6MB ram in switch but LHES showed me always 2MB.I solved by reseating the I/O expansion module.


I had a minute to do a quick check on this:

LHES shows 5491 kbytes free.
My config and autoexec are exactly as posted above.
I edited my !Start.bat to load float2.x as posted above, even though it's also loaded in my config.sys.
Pulled the card out and switched slots.

Still no luck. Looks like I'm getting the same values for the XSP and FRM along with the error about tmp00.sp.

Hold on a minute, the yen symbol in the error message is a slash denoting that 'Object' is a directory, correct? If so, I may know what's going on. I think when I un-lzh'ed the archive, I must have done it wrong as I found the tmp00.sp file in the root directory of the install. I bet I didn't tell it to use subdirectories properly or something.  I'll retest it when I get home tonight.


Ok, I tested my theory and it was the issue. When I un-lzh'ed the file, it didn't keep the subdirectories (e instead of x in the command). Once I did that, it fired up just fine!

I also believe that the XSP and FRM line is telling us how much it has loaded, not how much is required.


Just an aside... I sold a basic house board to someone on here... It had half of the ram chip spaces populated so I assumed it was a 2mb board... The new owner went to add more ram to it and discovered that in fact it was a 4mb boardand by adding another set of chips he then had an 8mb board.  Might be worth checking the specs of the ram chips to see if you dont have more than you think.


Thanks of the heads up! Mine had just 4 chips populated with 1x4 when I got it, so it was a 2mb board. Seems like it could be ordered with as little or as much ram as the user wanted. I've seen it in 2 and 4 mb using 1x4 chips and have read that some had 1x256 chips for a max of 4mb, but haven't seen pics of one yet. 

Kind of a strange board, but after adding some sockets and caps with some old zip ram from my Amiga 3000, I am up to 4mb with another 4mb on the way. I think 8mb will serve me nicely!


Quote from: eidis on June 16, 2014, 12:30:55 AM
Hi Guys !

I present to you a simple way of how to transfer Illumination Laser to X68000 systems which do not have a hard drive.

Download the Floppy Mastering kit from here:

It is a regular 2HD XDF file which can be written to floppy disk with well known tried and tested methods. It will format a floppy disk in drive 1 to 2HS, install 9SCIPL into the formatted floppy's boot block and unpack the game files.

Keep the scene alive !

This is GREAT but requires a keyboard :(  and 4MB too?  Man, I wanted to play this it looks so good!
I design PCBs for retro game systems :)



I made the update patch file to control by the keyboard.
and it includes the scan data of the package that is wanted by a few members.
Please apply it if you are interested.

Thank you.


Myogame San,

どうもありがとうございます. The patch was mirrored and can be found here:

Illumination Laser Update Patch

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Quote from: myogame on August 14, 2014, 03:50:29 AM

I made the update patch file to control by the keyboard.
and it includes the scan data of the package that is wanted by a few members.
Please apply it if you are interested.

Thank you.

Very nice, thanks! : )


Sorry to bumping this old thread.I found the Rebuild version of Ilumination Laser in this TOSEC sets (in the new addtions/modifications archive)!I8QH0KZK!_mr2-XFSN3ZPogNMoEONbQ


Speaking of bumping old threads!  I am trying to get Illumination Laser working in a libretro px68 emulator and having some issues. When I use IL_BOOT.dim or the dim in the rebuild tosec set (Illumination Laser Rebuild (2000)(Myou Game)[4MB, X68030] ) the game loads but the music doesnt play and I dont see as many sprites as I see in youtube videos. I see the hdf file that matches is like 10MB. Am I some how loading up the game without all its data?  When I just load the hdf file even though the emulator says it supports this extension, it just boots to a screen with a hand holding a floppy drive. Any advice for getting the dim or some xdf version to work would be super duper appreciated!!


Here is a video that demonstrates the gameplay which seems a bit off and starting from the 10MB hdf that shows the icon of the floppy..