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Setting RAM to 2MB ; need Human68K floppy

Started by gojirien, May 01, 2016, 01:44:01 AM

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Hi everyone,

Just got my x68000 this week, runs fine !

I found Final Fight won't boot, I guess the memory has to be set to 2048KB, but I don't have a HumanOS boot disk to set it.

My x68000 is an expert model, CZ-603C. I have Human68K 2.01, but reading faqs and different threads, I need Human68K 3.02 floppy disk to run SWITCH.X and set the ram to 2MB

Is there someone here that could write a humanOs floppy disk^^' ? I'm in France. I don't have the necessary gear (Win98 and floppy drive) to write the floppy disk myself.

Thanks by advance !


I'm gonna try to find an original system disk :).


Sorry if it's a stupid question, Will sx-windows system disk Work the same way as human68k system disk ?


     Salut gojirien,

  Jpeux pas trop t'aider sur sx-windows. Je l'ai jamais utilisé.

    Sinon, si t'as vraiment besoin d'une disquette Human68K 3.02. Jpeux t'en envoyer une en espérant qu'elle survive à la Poste  ;D



Salut Sakaiza !

Oui si tu es ok pour un prêt d'un disque je suis partant^^', je paie les frais de port histoire de bien protéger le disque ;D.

Sans vouloir abuser, aurais-tu une souris également ou un adaptateur de souris PS2 ? Je suis en train d'essayer de dénicher souris+disque, pour le moment c'est chaud.

Je lis toutes les faqs et je commence à tout bien piger :)



          J'tenverrai la disquette cette semaine.   (Tu peux me filer tes coordonnées en PM)

   Sinon j'utilise qu'un clavier en fait (et des joysticks,manette).

   T'as pas un vieux pc sous la main (un truc avec une carte mère qui accepte les lecteurs 5 1⁄4 avec option 1.2MB dans le BIOS). çà m'a permis d'avoir plein de jeux à faire tourner (grâce aussi à un vieux libraire qui avait plein d'invendu de disquettes 5 1⁄4 1.2MB pas loin de chez moi).
   En jeu originaux j'ai que Strider Hiryu, Super Street Fighter 2 et 2 exemplaires de Street Fighter 2' (le deuxième pour l'adaptateur qui permet de brancher une manette 6 boutons)

  Tu veux une souris pour sx-windows en fait?



Super je vais te laisser mes coordonnées par mp.

En fait la souris c'est pour le x68000 et pour pouvoir naviguer dans human, mais on peut naviguer simplement au clavier du coup ?

Et non je n'ai pas de vieux pc, j'ai fouiné mais j'ai pas trouvé grand chose sur le net pour me faire une config.

En jeux j'ai parodius, rtype et final fight.

Encore merci en tout cas.


    Ben, Human c'est juste une copie d'MS-dos,  pas besoin de souris.

    La souris , je supposais qu'elle servait pour sx-windows mais j'ai jamais utilisé le soft.

   Après, il y a qq jeux qui utilisent la souris mais je ne les ai pas testés non plus.

     Y'a un disque dur dans ta machine en fait?


I can' read the above non-english posts, but yes if you can boot into SX Windows, you can manage most switch settings including RAM within SX itself.


Thanks superdeadite :).

And sorry for the posts above^^', Sakaiza is helping me and thanks to him !




I never noticed you needed to tell the x68000 how much ram you have...  maybe this is why my doom attempt utterly failed....


My emulation is set up correctly and then some and I couldn't get it to work either. I think about coming back to it occasionally but I just have a lot of other things I'd rather be doing. Maybe try doing ECWolf instead, it's got much lower requirements and is a lot more likely to run without an 060 ;)


Quote from: neko68k on June 06, 2016, 04:52:01 AM
My emulation is set up correctly and then some and I couldn't get it to work either. I think about coming back to it occasionally but I just have a lot of other things I'd rather be doing. Maybe try doing ECWolf instead, it's got much lower requirements and is a lot more likely to run without an 060 ;)

Yeah that is what I was afraid of.  I finally won a x68000 auction, for a CZ-600CE.  Not the most sporting of models, but a model at least!  I know I'll have to find some kind of keyboard, disks, SASI setup to SCIS (to ide cf?) and all that other fun.  I actually do have a RS232 to TCP/IP device that lets old machines 'telnet' to ip addresses so I can BBS with it, lol.

I saw some 'games with GCC' thing for sale Im pretty sure I won't win it, but a native GCC from back in the day may be a lot more useful.


I have native GCC 1.x and GCC 2.x. They're horribly, terribly old and outdated. GCC 1.x is pretty traditional and that makes it a bit hard to use. GCC 2.x is newer and more like the modern stuff but you aren't really gaining anything for writing your own code. I've compiled large chunks of Ko-Windows with Lydux toolchain. The hard part there is that HAS060 has a lot of convenience opcodes that don't really exist and its a hassle to port it all over to proper at&t syntax; though I've only run into a couple of places where this is an issue. The other side of it is that the old toolchains support the XC library and object formats while the modern toolchain does not, though it could be added if you want to learn about BFD. It doesn't look terribly difficult though it's probably a pain to debug.