Getting Started and Towns OS

Started by famiac, December 30, 2015, 12:45:56 PM

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Hi guys.

I just set up my FM Towns II CX20. Upon powering it on and after checking RAM, it tries to read from the floppy drive even though there are no discs or CDs inserted.

Is this normal?

What should i do to get started with messing around? How do i create a Towns OS CD? Are there any floppy disk images i will need?



Towns OS CDs are auto-boot, just burn one and it should boot itself assuming you have a fully functional computer.

As for setting boot order, the easiest way is hold down both the A and B buttons on the controller before you turn on the power and keep holding them until you get to the menu.


unless you have a keyboard or a mouse the towns OS is pretty useless.

as deadite states the games self boot once you set it in the cd tray assuming the laser works.

you now have Towns Syndrome


Haha. Ok thanks guys. I'll burn a CD or two in a bit.