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X68000 FDD,s Between models.

Started by emerald danjon, January 20, 2015, 01:38:29 AM

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emerald danjon

Hello all,
first i want give my apologies if this theme is on the forum,i've tried to find this info with no luck  :),
is possible use one of the FDD from the CB-600 model on the CZ-634C XVI ?,
Thanks in advance.


 Hi Gillianx68000 !

Yes, the floppy drives are interchangeable but they need to have correct jumper settings. For example, the system will not work if there are two drives with id 0 or id 1.

Please look at the attached picture for reference.

Lower drive - 0
Upper drive - 1

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.

emerald danjon

OMG looks easy for a change...xD,
maybe with some luck i can have my CZ-634C XVI funcional again,
for a while... ::)
Eidis Huge thanks.

emerald danjon

The wires are not the same,i see the FDD from CB600 have 4 pins for the power plug,
and the FDD from the CZ-634 have 3,
i suppose i need some Mod,
and the CB600 FDD have other little conector in the back what is not present in the CZ-634 FDD  :'(
and the connector is in the opposite side...hard to put Together...


Quote from: gillianx68000 on January 21, 2015, 03:17:42 AM
The wires are not the same,i see the FDD from CB600 have 4 pins for the power plug,
and the FDD from the CZ-634 have 3,
i suppose i need some Mod,
and the CB600 FDD have other little conector in the back what is not present in the CZ-634 FDD  :'(
and the connector is in the opposite side...hard to put Together...

I have CB600  with 4 pin connector from original X68000 CZ-6000. I've found, that white 4 pin connector is same as PC floppy connector, but there is little deference between pinout.
The name of this connector on floppy PCB is J2 and pin out is:
1 +5V (red wire)
2  GND (black wire)
3 +5 stand by (white wire)
4 +12V (blue wire)

The another connector J14 orange is connected to emergency eject buttons on the back of x6800. In order to get auto load and eject mechanism work, you must connect together pins:
1 and 2
3 and 4.

On the one side there is connector J13 for led status indication and on the second side there is connector J12 for eject button and indicator led.

All information are provided without any guaranties.


 Hi Gillianx68000 and Snua12 !


Could you please post pictures of the CB600 floppy drive from both sides or a side by side comparison of CB600 and CZ-634 drive ?


Thank you for the thorough explanation. This should make a good Wiki article.

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.

emerald danjon

Eidis you need see the FDD,s dismounted?
thanks Snua12 .

emerald danjon


 Hi Gillianx68000 !

It looks like it is possible to swap the drive PCB's. The only difference which I saw was two less wires, which go to the index and disk insert sensors on the 600's drive. Could you please post a picture of the 600's drives front, when the aluminum shielding plate is removed ?

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.

emerald danjon

Yeah! i can.
this afternoon i need to go to center of the City for take Capacitors...,
i want refurbish the XVICZ FDD Drive...,
i tried avoid the work...but i think is my best chance.

emerald danjon


 Hi Gillianx68000 !

Good news ! You have probably noticed that the missing sensor wire pair is on the top side of the 600's drive. This means that you can easily swap the 600's PCB with the XVI's PCB without doing any butchery. Just route the missing wire to the back side of the 600's drive and connect it to where it should be.

You will probably need to extend the XVI's drive sensor wire, if you still want to use the drive.

Keep the scene alive !

P.S. Which route will you choose ? Mod the power connector or change the PCB ?
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.

emerald danjon

Thanks Eidis,
i think i will try extend the Wire...,
first i need built the video cable,for test the computer AGAIN,
a lot of time without use,and i cant find my RGB to VGA cable,
the Computer must show image without FDD,s?
i cant get image and im really afraid because i think im doing properly the cable...,
huge thanks

emerald danjon

Good morning folks.
i have replaced 8 Capacitors,and the 9 is a Nightmare,I guess you know which one is... ::)
a little one behind one 22uf in the front of the  drive...,I needed pliers to remove,and when i have in my hand i see have no Polarity signals,
is a little one:

1uf 50v,

and i have one for replace...:

1uf 100v but ¿polarity?,this people from Sharp was Evil.


 Hi Gillianx68000 !

The 1uf 50v is a bipolar capacitor and indeed it has no polarity. Do not try to use a regular capacitor in its place or else you will risk damaging the floppy drive.

P.S. This was the only one which I did not replace while refurbishing my floppy drives.

Advanced Floppy Drive repair

Quote1uf 100v but ¿polarity?,this people from Sharp was Evil.

On the contrary. They made an ideal machine for sadomasochists.

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.

emerald danjon

Well,the FDD still dont work,with all other Capacitors replaced,just Puke the discs...,
and i suppose is not a thing of this Capacitor...,

Huge thanks Eidis.


 Hi Gillianx68000 !

Please post a video of the faulty drive in action.

P.S. Have you tried reseating all the connectors on the drive ? Especially those which go to the drive heads.

P.P.S. Another thing to try is cleaning the head guide rail with q-tips and isopropyl alcohol from hardened grease. Then relubricate it with silicone oil.

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.

emerald danjon

I can try a video,but is really simple...:

""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""TAC TAC TAC PUKE!""""""""""""""""""""""

reseating all the connectors on the drive ? Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm have sense...maybe a bad in the Jamma PCB with the Eproms in the Sockets...,
thanks for the idea.

(Another thing to try is cleaning the head guide rail with q-tips and isopropyl alcohol from hardened grease. Then relubricate it with silicone oil,)
i will try!,
Huge Thanks.


Hi Gillianx68000 !


I don't know what "TAC" means. I presume that you insert the disk, the drive starts to spin it, the heads try to find track 0 for three times (TAC ?) and then the disk is spat out. Try gently turning the guide rail so that the heads move let's say to track 20 and then try switching the X68000 on and inserting a floppy disk. What happens then ?

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.

emerald danjon

Quote from: eidis on January 23, 2015, 02:24:17 AM
Hi Gillianx68000 !


I don't know what "TAC" means. I presume that you insert the disk, the drive starts to spin it, the heads try to find track 0 for three times (TAC ?) and then the disk is spat out. Try gently turning the guide rail so that the heads move let's say to track 20 and then try switching the X68000 on and inserting a floppy disk. What happens then ?

Keep the scene alive !
Correct, maybe i being to much simple,sorry.
is a sound...,the FDD does a Sound like TAC TAC TAC and Puke...,
i try do a video,
Huge thanks Eidis.


 HI Gillianx68000 !

Did I understand correctly that when you have inserted the floppy disk in the bad drive there is a very loud noise once the heads have returned to track 0 and this loud noise is not present when using the good drive ?

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.

emerald danjon

If you talk about that strange sound just when the disk is inserted...two drives do the same...,
the DF1 work Nice,and do the same noises...just dont Puke the disks...and not do this "Toc toc toc",i think this sound is like some mechanism retreating before Puke the Disk,
i have no idea,
really love this systems,but this systems hate me xD.


 Hi Gillianx68000 !

Please remove the top aluminum shielding of the bad drive and make a video where we can see how the heads move when the disk is inserted. It is critical that the camera records audible sound which the drive makes.

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.

emerald danjon

Ok! i will try  :),
thanks again!
have a good day.

emerald danjon

One Question,
i have done the modification for use the CB-600 FDD like FD0 on the CZXVI...,and the motor always is ON,and the Green light on the front of the Computer never turn ON,
any ideas?

1 +5V (red wire)
2  GND (black wire)
3 +5 stand by (white wire)
4 +12V (blue wire)

The another connector J14 orange is connected to emergency eject buttons on the back of x6800. In order to get auto load and eject mechanism work, you must connect together pins:
1 and 2
3 and 4.
Eidis i cant find how do that video,the Wires are to MUCH short...,and build the FDD for Work and record...with this wires...are really difficult.
anyway in trying do the puzzle but is really uncomfortable

emerald danjon

Hey Guys SOON a video with the machine working with the two FDD,S  ;D
CB600 one and the cz one...,
i love you dudes xD,
huge thanks.

emerald danjon


 Hi Gillianx68000 !

Congratulations on a work well done ! Could you please post a pic of the modified floppy drive showing the modified cables so I could add it to the Wiki ?

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.

emerald danjon

all i do is an extension of the cables and this modification like snua12 tells in his Post...:

""""The another connector J14 orange is connected to emergency eject buttons on the back of x6800. In order to get auto load and eject mechanism work, you must connect together pins:
1 and 2
3 and 4.""""

other consideration are just for comfort...extend the Wires...,anyway cause the Physical differences is not possible put all into the case,and you need insert the FFD0 disk in Reverse...,
looks like Millenium falcon...a piece of Junk but Works!

i'm really happy  for see one of my X68000 working again,
thanks guys.