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Started by e1000, November 17, 2014, 10:16:53 PM

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My X68Pro came with this CZ-6BVI.

I'm not finding info for this. It seems to be a video capture / VCR integration board.

Any clues?

Please check more images on the link below.


It's video output, not input.  Mostly used for video titling.  However, when you run any software that displays in 15khz, it will output video via the S-Video and Composite connectors automatically, no drivers or settings are needed.  This can be useful for people who don't have multi-sync monitors, as you can play 15khz only games on any standard TV.  For someone on a budget, it's not a bad card.  It does eat up 2 slots though, so a bit of a hog unless you are on a Pro model.