Image Viewer or Converter wanted

Started by johnpierce, November 14, 2014, 07:59:59 PM

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Hi there. I'm looking for a way to convert/view files on the X68000.

For now i had no luck yet....

Can someone help me out? Especially with the program Matier 2.0. (the Tif Import turned out to be tricky...)


I've used Coercer in the past. It's easy to use. For example:


coerce -bmp +pic bitmap.bmp
Creates a new file called bitmap.pic

coerce -pic +bmp bitmap.pic
Creates a new file called bitmap.bmp

This was converted from PIC to BMP.

Just run coerce.x at the command line to get a list of formats and options. More information in the included readme and README.X68.


 Hi Johnpierce !

A tutorial can be found in the following thread:

Converting BMP to X68000 PIC and vice versa

P.S. The images can be viewed in LHES by highlighting them and pressing ENTER.

Keep the scene alive !

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


I use the BMP2PIC utility in X68k emulators them selfs. and put the BMP file I want converting into an assigned folder for windrv so I can access them as a virtual disk within any emulator that supports windrv. (witch XM6 and it's verient's support to some degree)

So long as the image your trying to convert is no more than 512x512 (this is the maximum resolution the Video Controller chip sets 64k colour buffer will support) it will not end up being cropped off by BMP2PIC or being to big to display on the whole screen.

On the subject of image converters.. does anyone know if there's a JPEG to PIC converter for the X68k out there? I know there's a JPEG utility that allows you to view and resize JPGs, but not convert them to any other image format that most X68k graphics programs can use.


Susie with the plug in pack will open most X68 and other old weird formats in Windows.