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newbie question

Started by craiganderson, September 24, 2014, 11:16:52 PM

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Hello and Thank You for this forum.
I am working on my hyperspin setup (theme, videos, modules, games etc) for x68000.

2014 09 24 8 13 20

(I did not create the theme
I did create some of the wheels
and im writing a new module, recording videos etc
finding games)

Question: As I dislike dealing with multiple disk games, when one loads the game through one of the "disks" that bring up the menu shown in the pic below,.....does that avoid then having to do any swapping of disks during the game ? even if the game is a multiple disk game?

thank you


 Hi CraigAnderson !

Welcome to the forum and thank you for your work on the Hyperspin X68000 section.

LHES is only a file commander and does not remove any protection. Its main purpose is to make copying, navigating through directories and executing files more faster and simpler.

I believe you want to have a separate HDS file for each game. You can take already installed games from the HDD V4 image and use the custom created minimalistic template as a baseline for every game. Genocide2 should be a very good example of how to achieve this. Please note that for other games you will have to edit the main autoexec.bat to make it change directory (CD) to the desired game and !Start.bat for games which use subst to make them point to the right path.

P.S. Copy files only through emulator with LHES and do not use DiskExplorer because it can cause data corruption. If this all sounds like too much work, you can submit a list of games which you want for Hyperspin and I will make the necessary arrangements.

HDD image V4

SCSI HDD template

Genocide2 proof of concept

Please let me know if you need further assistance.

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Thank you.

Does there happen to exist a complete list of ALL games that were released for x68000?

And even better would be a list of "PLAYABLE" games...meaning weeding out text based games all in Japanese. Or just so much Japanese that one can not figure out what is  going on....and I realize this is subjective but if anybody has lists like these...i would love to steal a copy



 Hi CraigAnderson !

Please see the following link for a very long list:


As for the playable games, approximately 98% of all good and HDD installable games can be found in the HDD V4 image.

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


So XM6 and it's offshoots have a command line for loading different disk images?

Great work on your hyper spin themes so far CraigAnderson.. But there's just one thing I have to ask.. Where did you get the hi-res artwork for the Matra Alice from? did you clean it up and redraw it your self?


i honestly dont remember where i got the alice artwork

as far as the x68000....i did not create those themes was another hyperspin member
gamesmame is h is name

but i am workingon themes, recording save states, wheel art, a new module etc

thank you


Quote from: H68k on September 25, 2014, 08:27:01 PM
So XM6 and it's offshoots have a command line for loading different disk images?

Great work on your hyper spin themes so far CraigAnderson.. But there's just one thing I have to ask.. Where did you get the hi-res artwork for the Matra Alice from? did you clean it up and redraw it your self?

this is the AUTOHOTKEY script used to launch games into XM6g

"Run(executable . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)"

this works for .hds, .hdf. .dim.. .xdf  and other
but for .hds and .hdf , the location of the file is entered into the .ini before the emulator is started

.XM6 i have to load viw WINMENUSELECT type commands\

im getting better at autohotkey by looking at and stealing from other modules (djvj's in particular)


here is my module used to load games
it is a WIP but pretty much working 100%
need to add bezel support

fvMEmu = XM6 type G
MEmuV =
MAuthor = craiganderson
MVersion =
iCRC =
mId =
MSystem = "Sharp X68000"
; ............GLOBAL SETTINGS
; Set FullScreen in HLHQ Global "Settings"(Default is False)
; Set Increase Memory (Main RAM) to 12MB in HLHQ Global "Settings"(Default is False)
; Set BlockInput Option in HLHQ GLobal "Settings"(Default is False) (On my system Hyperspin and xpadder need to be run as administrators for this to work smoothly)
; Set Default P1 and P2 Controllers in HLHQ "Settings" (Default is Atari (Standard)). [this is the DEFAULT setting of how the emulator is going to treat your input DeviceA(P1) and DeviceB(P2)]
; Reminder #1: You still need to go into emulator (Tools > Options > Joystick) and set your DeviceA and DeviceB (i.e. Controller (Afterglow) or whatever) [tell the emulator what the actual input will be coming from]
; Set GAME SPECIFIC P1 and P2 Controller Settings in HLHQ "Rom Settings" (Default is whatever you have set as GLOBAL Default P1 and P2). [this is the GAME SPECIFIC setting of how the emulator is going to treat your input DeviceA(P1) and DeviceB(P2)]
; Reminder #2: You still need to go into emulator (Tools > Options > Joystick) and set your DeviceA and DeviceB (i.e. Controller (Afterglow) or whatever) [tell the emulator what the actual input will be coming from]
; Set GAME SPECIFIC use of "MOUSE MODE" in HLHQ "Rom Settings" for the games that are controlled by the mouse only (example: Afterburner II)
; ............OTHER
; Make a backup of your MODULE's .INI file once in a while. So you do not lose all of your game settings if you lose that file. Just a thought.
; Reminder #3: You still need to go into emulator (Tools > Options > Joystick) and set your DeviceA and DeviceB (i.e. Controller (Afterglow) or whatever) [tell the emulator what the actual input will be coming from]

7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, 7zExtractPath)

; IniReadCheck(file,section,key,defaultvalue="",errorMsg="",logType="") [this is for my own reference]

settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"

Fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Fullscreen","false",,1)
BlockInput := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "BlockInput","false",,1)
DEFAULTP1Controller := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "DEFAULT_P1_Controller",1,,1)
DEFAULTP2Controller := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "DEFAULT_P2_Controller",1,,1)
MemoryMainRam := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Memory_Main_Ram",0,,1)
Displayxpadder := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Display_xpadder","false",,1)
HideStatusBar := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Hide_StatusBar","false",,1)
DisplayKeyboard := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "Display_Keyboard","false",,1)

p1Controller := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "P1_Controller", DEFAULTP1Controller,,1)
p2Controller := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "P2_Controller", DEFAULTP2Controller,,1)
MouseMode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Mouse_Mode", "false",,1)
xm6gINI := CheckFile(emuPath . "\xm6g.ini")

IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File0
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File1
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File2
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File3
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File4
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File5
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File6
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File7
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File8
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File9
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File10
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File11
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File12
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File13
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File14
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File15
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU0, File0
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU0, File1
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU0, File2
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU0, File3
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU0, File4
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU0, File5
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU0, File6
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU0, File7
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU0, File8
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU1, File0
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU1, File1
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU1, File2
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU1, File3
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU1, File4
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU1, File5
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU1, File6
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU1, File7
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU1, File8
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU4, File0
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU4, File1
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU4, File2
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU4, File3
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU4, File4
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU4, File5
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU4, File6
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU4, File7
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, MRU4, File8
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SxSI, File0
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SxSI, File1
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SxSI, File2
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SxSI, File3
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SxSI, File4
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SCSI, File0
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SCSI, File1
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SCSI, File2
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SCSI, File3
IniWrite, %A_Space%, %xm6gINI%, SCSI, File4

; disableHideTitleBar := true
; disableHideToggleMenu := true
; disableHideBorder := true

If BlockInput = true
BlockInput, On

HideStatusBarNum := (If HideStatusBar = "true" ? ("0") : ("1"))

iniLookup =
( ltrim c
Misc, FloppySpeed, 1
SASI, Drives, 1
SxSI, Drives, 5
Joystick, Port1, %p1Controller%
Joystick, Port2, %p2Controller%
Basic, Memory, %MemoryMainRam%
Keyboard, Key70, 114; sets keys to option 1 and 2 (only for non XM6)
Keyboard, Key207, 115; sets keys to option 1 and 2 (only for non XM6)
Window, StatusBar, %HideStatusBarNum%
Resume, Dir, 1
Resume, Screen, 1
SubWindow, Id0, 0; sets ini file to not launch software keyboard upon startup
SubWindow, PosX0, -1; sets ini file to not launch software keyboard upon startup
SubWindow, PosY0, -1; sets ini file to not launch software keyboard upon startup
Loop, Parse, iniLookup, `n
{ StringSplit, split, A_LoopField, `,, %A_Space%%A_Tab%
IniRead, tempVar, %xm6gINI%, %split1%, %split2%
If ( tempVar != split3 )
IniWrite, % split3, %xm6gINI%, %split1%, %split2%

If romExtension = .XM6
Run(executable, emuPath)
WinWait("XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110")
WinWaitActive("XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110")
WinMenuSelectItem, XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110, , File, Open
Sleep, 250
Loop {
ControlGetText, edit1Text, Edit1, Open ahk_class #32770
If ( edit1Text = romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension )
Sleep, 100
ControlSetText, Edit1, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%,Open ahk_class #32770
Sleep, 250
ControlSend, Button1, {Enter}, Open ahk_class #32770


If romExtension = .HDF
IniWrite, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %xm6gINI%, SASI, File0
If romExtension = .HDS
IniWrite, %romPath%\%romName%%romExtension%, %xm6gINI%, SxSI, File0
Run(executable . " """ . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """", emuPath)
WinWait("XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110")
Sleep, 1000
WinMenuSelectItem, XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110, , File, Reset

WinWait("XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110")
WinWaitActive("XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110")

If romExtension = .XM6
WinMenuSelectItem, XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110, , Tools, Options...
WinWait("Options ahk_class #32770")
WinWaitActive("Options ahk_class #32770")
Sleep, 250
ControlClick, SysTabControl321,,,,, x27 y64
Sleep, 250
MemoryMainRamTemp := MemoryMainRam + 1
Control, Choose, %MemoryMainRamTemp%, ComboBox3, Options ahk_class #32770
Sleep, 250
ControlClick, SysTabControl321,,,,, x24 y11
Sleep, 259
Joystick1 := p1Controller + 1
Control, Choose, %Joystick1%, ComboBox1, Options ahk_class #32770
Sleep, 250
Joystick2 := p2Controller + 1
Control, Choose, %Joystick2%, ComboBox2, Options ahk_class #32770
Sleep, 250
ControlSend, Button9, {Enter}, Options ahk_class #32770

WinWait("XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110")
WinWaitActive("XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110")

If Displayxpadder = true
WinActivate,  Xpadder ahk_class TXpadderForm
WinRestore,  Xpadder ahk_class TXpadderForm
WinWait,  Xpadder ahk_class TXpadderForm
WinMove, 839, 24

WinActivate,  XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110
WinWait("XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110")
WinWaitActive("XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110")

If Fullscreen!=true
WinRestore,  XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110
WinWait,  XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110
WinMove, -1, -24
Sleep, 100

If DisplayKeyboard = true
If MouseMode!=true
WinMenuSelectItem, XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110, , Tools, Software Keyboard
Sleep, 500
WinMove, 765, 572

WinActivate,  XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110
WinWait("XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110")
WinWaitActive("XM6 TypeG ahk_class AfxFrameOrView110")

If MouseMode = true
SetKeyDelay, 50
SendInput, {F12 down}{F12 up}
If Fullscreen = true
Sleep, 100
SetKeyDelay, 50
SendInput, {Alt down}{Enter down}{Alt up}{Enter Up}

If MouseMode!=true
MouseMove, 3000, -2000

BlockInput, Off

;SplashImage, C:Test.jpg

Process("WaitClose", executable)

Process, Close, xm6g.exe
WinShow, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ; Restores the taskbar upon exiting


Quotei honestly dont remember where i got the alice artwork

Oh well..I would have liked that for another background picture to use for MMDSP.



Well... French collectors of classic computers may consider this "sacrilege" but I couldn't resist..

A converted PIC image is here for PIC loaders for use on any X68k as a background:

Now if you'll excuse me... I'm going to start acting very paranoid and be on the look out for any French looking hit men working on behalf of the French Secret Service...