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Mahou Daisakusen HDD install instructions

Started by BlueBMW, July 05, 2012, 03:38:41 AM

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Now that I've got a working internal hard drive, I've been installing various games to the hard drive.  In trying to install Mahou Daisakusen though, I'm not sure what parameters I need to include to do it.  When I attempt to run the install program, it tells me to read the manual lol.

Does anyone know the proper way to install this game?


Mahou Daisakusen was installed (extracting the single files and not using its installer) by Eidis and it's included in his V1 HDD image.
However here it is :

Download the archive and extract the folder 'MahouDaisakusen' to your HDD.Launch !Start.bat to start the game.

Credits goes to Eidis for his wonderful job!


What is the best way to get files to my hard drive?  I've heard of using a null modem like cable connection through the controller port.  Or is there a way to connect my scsi drive to a modern pc and use a utility to copy the files over?


The fun oldschool way is to use a MO Drive. :)  Very easy and a SCSI MO Drive costs pretty much nothing these days.


 BlueBMW , don't torture yourself. The best way for big transfers, which I am using, is to make a SxSI HDD image and restore it to physical media. My 777 MB image gets restored to CF in about 3 - 5 minutes.

The procedure to transfer to PC is almost the same. Make a RAW copy of HDD with tools which support this feature (Active@Disk Image or similar). Then use DiskExplorer to add files.

You can use an external CD-ROM for smaller transfers or a serial cable for super small transfers.

Best of luck !

E36 sunroof repair is a real pain in the a** ;)
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Quote from: eidis on July 06, 2012, 07:38:08 AM
BlueBMW , don't torture yourself. The best way for big transfers, which I am using, is to make a SxSI HDD image and restore it to physical media. My 777 MB image gets restored to CF in about 3 - 5 minutes.

The procedure to transfer to PC is almost the same. Make a RAW copy of HDD with tools which support this feature (Active@Disk Image or similar). Then use DiskExplorer to add files.

You can use an external CD-ROM for smaller transfers or a serial cable for super small transfers.

Best of luck !

E36 sunroof repair is a real pain in the a** ;)

In this case I'm using an original 80mb hard drive, so all my transfers will be limited to being small hehe.  I might see about the serial transfer.  I suppose later on I should look into the CF setup, but for now I'd like to at least give the original hardware a shot, if nothing else for the experience.

E36 sunroof repair?  I'm sorry :(  Those are NO fun at all.  I'd rather fix one of the newer panoramic roofs than one of those old cassettes.  My sympathies...


 In that case it would be very convenient to make LHA archives in emulator with zero compression and transfer them to X68K with null-modem cable.

Best of luck !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Ok trying to make this work.  I don't have a CF setup.  So I copied this to my HDD via SCSI CD-ROM.  When running !Start, the game boots up and displays the EA logo, then scans drive 0 and reports "disk not inserted,"  then i can retry or abort.  I assume it's a copy protection thing and looking for the System disk.  Any way to break this?


 You can transfer games from the popular HDD image to your X68000 and modify path which is used by SUBST command in !Start.bat. SUBST fools X68000 into thinking that a hard drive directory is an actual floppy drive. Have a look around in the HDD image !Start.bat files and you will soon get the hang of it.

P.S. This should answer a lot of questions:

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


ok using SUBST the game boots, but it seems to hang forever when loading the first stage (after ship selection)


Exit LHES and try to execute the game from pure DOS. If that does not help, please post the contents of your !Start.bat

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Not using LHES, just pure Human68k 3.02 prompt

my !Start.bat:

SUBST A: C:\test\mahoudaisakusen

I'm using the downloaded HD install image.  All I did was transfer all the files into C:\test\mahoudaisakusen and then added the SUBST line.


 By default the system drive should be A:   Are you using external hdd ?

Try this, it could help:

SUBST B: C:\test\mahoudaisakusen
SUBST A: C:\test\mahoudaisakusen

Best of luck !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Currently I have my system setup to boot into SX-Window 3.1.  So I'm using a Human68K 3.02 disk for a pure boot. 
Meaning A and B are my floppies, C and D are my HD partitions (internal).  Currently only have the old 81mb HD. 
Will go CF board soon, then I'll setup a 2nd boot partition for pure Human.  I'm totally in love with SX, once you learn how to use it,
it's pure sex.  Especially for using CD-ROM mass file transfers and writing images. :) 

So it looks like I need to SUBST the other drive, thanks will try it later!


This is how the main config.sys and autoexec.bat of the HDD image file looks like:


FILES     = 30
BUFFERS   = 20 1024



Make sure that you do have USKCG.SYS and FLOAT2.X drivers loaded into memory before launching the game. You could even try to use DRIVE.X command to designate letter A:  for the HDD with the game. I checked the game and it ran flawlessly without SUBST from A: and with previously mentioned drivers loaded.

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Did all this, game behaves the same way.  Runs fine through the ship selection screen.  When it goes to start stage 1, black screen.  If I wait awhile, it does show the score counters at the top, but the rest is just black.  Let it sit for 5mins, never changed.

Quote from: eidis on July 16, 2012, 09:14:16 PM
By default the system drive should be A:   Are you using external hdd ?

Try this, it could help:

SUBST B: C:\test\mahoudaisakusen
SUBST A: C:\test\mahoudaisakusen

Best of luck !


 Don't give up. Boot into Human OS and type "DRIVE A: C:" without brackets. It shout swap the mentioned drives and your main drive should change to A: Then try to run the game with original !start.bat as it is in the HDD v3 image. If that does not work, boot into Human OS, type DRIVE and let us know how your drive ID's are assigned.

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Well I got me a CF board finally.  And when attempting to run this game with the !Start.bat through LHES, I have the exact same problem, except it says "bus error" in white.  However, if I quite LHES and run it through the prompt directly, it works fine.  I'm confused but it does work finally.


 That's normal, if you have 2MB ram, because LHES eats up some memory and there are some games which will run only from command line regardless if you have 2MB or more.

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


I believe SuperD has 12mb RAM.  And I'm definitely jealous of the CF setup he's got going now :)


yeah I have 12mbs.  Mahou detects it and runs in 6mb mode.