HELP: Reversed the polarity into 32x

Started by fagin, May 02, 2012, 09:56:11 PM

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Made a school boy error with the above, and it's goosed it.  ::)

Does anyone have enough know how about this, to know what has blown and what can be replaced or bridged?

I know a diode exists off the input line, so I'm going to bridge that for starters. I don't believe the fix will be that easy though.

Any knowledge??


I'll answer my own question then yeah!!  :P

If you bridge the main diode on the power line (the one to the left of the PWR input) you will "undead" your 32x.  8)


Quote from: fagin on May 10, 2012, 09:37:08 PM
I'll answer my own question then yeah!!  :P

If you bridge the main diode on the power line (the one to the left of the PWR input) you will "undead" your 32x.  8)
That's a Zener diode for sure - replace it. Bridging Zeners is just crazy because they're used as fuses/regulators in most applications. In case of a short circuit, you'd see your 32x blown in no-time.