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Anybody have problem with FM audio in compact xvi

Started by silius, January 24, 2012, 07:29:50 PM

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Hi everybody,

Well this is my first message here, this forum is fantastic.

Well  I have a Sharp compact x68000 Redzone and I have a problem with  fm audio I change all the capacitors smd of the pcb, but I have the same problem I hear the sound very low  and distorted in my Sharp if I put the headphones until the end I don't listen nothing I must to put the connection of the headphones in the middle more and less to listen something.

I would like if anybody have the some problem and if is posible to resolve.

I have conection by midi too, and the sound is better but i think i listening better in my sharp XVI

Thanks a lot

Excuse me for my English


Replace the Op-Amps.  In the Compacts they fail 95% of the time.


 Hi Silius and welcome to our forum !

This thread might come in handy:

Best of luck and please post info on your progress.

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


I never did figure out what was wrong with my system. I sold it to a local guy who is going to take a crack at repairing it.

I suspect one or more transistors have failed.
"Console Mods" lurker


Frist of all, thanks to replay.

Well I try to change the op-amps and  inform in forum the progres.

Thanks a lot  to try help me

I look to buy the op amps.

Please could you tell me if this op- amps is correct to change

Thanks a lot


IMHO it should be fine as long as MC3403 is mentioned in the part number. Please someone correct me if I am wrong.

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


That's a regular quad opamp in SMD SO14 package. Original is a MC3403, compatible device are TL074 or LM324