Super Street Fighter 2 problem

Started by Jamie, September 16, 2011, 05:28:20 AM

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Hi everyone. I have a problem when trying to play SSF2 that i hope someone here can help me with. The game is incredibly jerky, the game stops for upto a second at a time when doing any move, it's completely unplayable. I also get audio pops after every sound effect. Does anyone have any idea why this may be. I have an X68000 compact, running in 16mhz and with 8MB ram


Never mind managed to sort it, it was a problem with the batch file.


What kind of batch file tweakery would cause that?


Quote from: Lawrence on September 16, 2011, 02:26:02 PM
What kind of batch file tweakery would cause that?

I'm using eidis's hdd image, which is fantastic, and noticed that it did the same when i used it in an emulator, no matter how much ram or how fast i made the processor, so i knew it wasn't my machine. I knew there was a SSF2 hdd image floating round the net so i grabbed it and tried that, this didn't have the same issues so i compared the batch files. I edited the start.bat on eidis's image to mirror the autoexec.bat from the SSF2 image.

This sorted it:

set SP2CNF=00||set SP2PCM=4
if errorlevel 3 set SP2CNF=30||set SP2PCM=4
sdir SupStreetFighter
seqsp2 -q
opmsp2 -q
adp%SP2PCM%sp2 -q ssf2_x68.drm
sp2 sp2%SP2CNF%.cnf
m3 -r

This sorted the issue out straight away. SSF2 now runs smoothly and without audio clicks.


Please....can you post the autoexec file that solved the issue ?
so that I can replace it too.
I have the same problems too with SSF2 in Eidis miracolous hard drive image :)



never mind I found it
I have to test it and see if it will work ;).

but i have to notify strange audio behaviour on this game in emulator don't know in real hardware .......
I'm running it on XM6 emulator and it play half of the audio (music) channels.... effects and voice are fine.
did someone know the cause of this issue ?
I have seen a video on youtube where audio channel are complete  using the standard INTERNAL audio card like me,
probably is my configuration or some program like ZMUSIC and PCM8 to use ?

Please Help me

Best regards,
