Turbo Duo-R no power

Started by yirmiahu72, March 30, 2011, 05:51:44 AM

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So the other day my Turbo Duo-R just decided to up and quit on me. I went to turn it on and got nothing at all.

My first thought was to examine the power supply for a problem and in doing so I had noticed that the adapter was a 7.5V 2.0A. It had come with the Duo when I originally got it. I didn't even think to examine the adpater when I got it I just plugged it in and powered it on. It's a power supply for a PS One like this:


I have been using this for the past year or so, but not for long periods of playing maybe 15-20 min at a time.

I tested the power supply on a PS1 and it stiIl works.  Is it possible that the power supply is the problem since it's only 7.5 and the Duo requires 9.0?? Can you damage a system from less volts? I don't even have the bit to open the thing up to have a look inside. Should I just get a proper replacement adapter?


Too low voltage will not damage it, but it can prevent it from starting. Try a new power supply is my tip.


you need a power supply rated at 9.0v at 1500mah ( or more mah is fine)


You can use a regular Mega Drive 2 power supply. It will work great. :)

You need to replace the power supply filter capacitors within the actual console. There are 2 1000uF caps that must be replaced.  There is also a big 470uF cap that provides juice to the CD-ROM which will also need to be replaced.