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Installing games to Hard Drive

Started by eidis, February 15, 2011, 06:01:39 AM

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I have been asked by some of our fine members for a tutorial so here it is:

This tutorial is in its infancy so any feedback and suggestions on how to improve the content would be very appreciated. Special greetings to Dhampird for moral inspiration ;)

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.

emerald danjon

Hello all,nice tutorial thank you,where i can find info about the what HDD i need for my computers?,i know X68000 use SCSI but i think there different types of SCSI HDD,
i can use the external port for connect the SCSI HDD or i need a controller?two of my x68k computers have the HD BUSY...but no have inside HDD and i cant see cable for HDD,well i can see electrical cable but no for data,I beg pardon me if already answered these questions a thousand times...but the most basic information and could not find,thank you very much!



External hard drives do not look nice and make the whole system bulky. External and internal SCSI1 hard drives are extremely loud, slow, hard to find and there is no warranty on how long will  it work due to its age and sometimes they cost as much as SCSI to IDE adapter. Most of those drives require parity faker circuit to be made by hand. Loud hard drive is a major turn off when using a computer so this is not as cool as having a clean internal SCSI to IDE adapter with fast, completely silent CF card. This tutorial should answer all your currently burning questions such as:

Which SCSI to IDE adapters work with X68000
How to make a SASI or SCSI sable

Please let me know if you are willing to go through with it.

Best of luck !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Good work Eidis as always.And what about games that don't have AUTOEXEC.BAT in their directory (like Dragon Buster which has only HUMAN.SYS)?


Wiki article updated. Please post your success stories here.

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


As always, you are the man, Eidis !It works with Dragon Buster.Games with protection and with empty directory or dummy files are impossible to install with you method?We have to make a list of installable games...


 There is a software called 2hdboot. It works similar to WHDLOAD on Amiga by reading a floppy image files or files into ram and using them as floppy drives. It requires more than 2MB of RAM. I have not tried it but there are claims that it works with most games.

Check out this link:;topic=2081.0

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


I'm trying to install Strider (using XM6 emulator), i put in !Start.bat:

SUBST B: A:\GAMES2\StriderHiryuu

SUBST A: A:\GAMES2\StriderHiryuu


it boots but it ask me for disk in floppies, where I am wrong? I also delete human.sys but nothing.I know Strider is installable in its own, maybe it's not with your method.


Thanks Eidis for the HD install Tutorial, its a good point for X68000 rookies like me, i´m trying install some disks and also i had some problems, for example with DeathBrade, this game have 5 disks, after open each disk with Disk Explorer 1.69 (like plain image) and when i copied all disk files to GAMES2/DEATHBRADE to another Disk Explorer 1.69 window (with your CF image) i remember that copying disk5 a window ask me to replace some files with same names, the game didnt worked with known Disk to HD pass methods (i think).

Will be great if  each X68K user with HD would attempt to pass slowly some games to their hard drives to try to create a complete list explaining which games runs from HD/CF and method, and after create a fully CF image with all TOSEC complete games,software,etc. you know, to have in one CF/HD all HD compatible games.

This game list have some HD install information (compatible or not):


Hi Dhampird ,

In your list DaimaKaimura is marked OK, but I copied all disks to HD and it not work  :'(
It´s need some special launcher commands?


Hello, about that link post above is not mine, is a link with game list that i found from another user, i mean that also i tried to copy DaimaKaimura to CF and i didnt get work ok, this happened to me also with another games that i tried to install into CF.

Like EIDIS said, most of X68000 games are not much good, i mean that there is much 2D CG japanese games, RPG japanese and Hentai games that is not interesting to me, i loaded one by one Sharp_x68000_TOSEC_2010-05-02 games in emulator, and i think i selected a few more games (playable) that will be great to add into CF EIDIS image, probably most of them cannot allow HD or CF install, i dont know, i tried to install some to CF card but it seems edit .BAT files is difficult for most of the games to make them run from CF. I´ll hope some of that games can works from CF, like Parodious Da!, Daimakaimura, Strider Hiryuu or Kyuukyoku Tiger, i foldered best selected games in .XDF into folder The Best, another more into Another good titles, the games are in .XDF, you´ll see download link below.

EIDIS if you read this, if you know how, please tell me if you could add that games to your CF image. Will be great complete the image with those.

I´m testing CF Eidis games in real X68000 XVI and i noticed some games didnt work for me, most important fro me like Salamander using from LHES or DI, no works, also Rygar, i´ll have to try again, i didnt know if the problem is 16Mhz. I´m on it. Another CF image games works very well.

Here is the link with games in .XDF and .HDF that i selected, i think will be great to Know how to add them to fantastic CF EIDIS image:


Anyone Knows if game "Rastan" from Taito was released like "video anthology" game for X68000 or another kind of arcade machine conversion of this game is available for X68K?

[HQ] Rastan Saga Round 1 1987 Taito Mame Retro Arcade Games

Thanks for help.


Fixed it!!!!
Reading Eidis tutorial I see this:
QuoteChapter 2: HumanOS vs MS-DOS

Lucky for us the HumanOS is very much like ye good old MS-DOS. Now let me explain what happens when X68000 tries to boot from hard drive:    
   *      Executes scripts from CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. They perform a chain of DOS commands and execute files.

I simply open the Config.sys file and looked at the order of programs to be executed. Then I added in !START and... voila. Run perfect!

Dhampird , thanks for your reply.

I will test more games with this method (looking in config.sys).

Thanks again..


Airhead, could you add the !start.bat code text here  for DaimaKaimura or another games? I uploaded some good games in post above that will be great to add to CF image, if you can make work more games from CF please post here !start.bat result or info ,will be great to know.



DaiMakaimura CONFIG.SYS



DaiMakaimura !START.BAT posted above works! I tried many times but i didnt get works in early attempts, the problem was a bad .X file into game directory, in TOSEC roms release there is  different rom games dumped files, like: a, a2, a3,  once you load a .XDF game file check with Diskexplorer  .X files or another important files needed by CONFIG.SYS, probably sometimes you have the correct .BAT line codes but real problem might be in different important game file sizes.

Here some .BAT lines that i tested in Emulator and works from CF EIDIS image:


aspcmdrv.R AliSyn.PLD
CGload.X LOADcg.xzP

KYUUKYOKUTIGER (This game is the same Tigerheli, i deleted that in EIDIS image because seems like a bad dump or something is wrong, if you can check this because if you only see into the game a blue sea below the chopper ,is wrong, appear missing some background graphics, in KyuukyokuTiger i can see all background sprites)
SUBST B: A:\GAMES\KyuukyokuTiger
SUBST A: A:\GAMES\KyuukyokuTiger

A-JAX (Here i put "SUBST C: A:\GAMES\AJAX" but i´m not really sure if this will work ok when that disk be asked)
ajax.x -pa:;b: -P

ZUGYA (i combined original CONFIG.SYS with original AUTOEXEC.BAT info to get this works, load ok, but probably some code lines is not needed...)
CONCON.R -c -f

I tried with STRIDER, getting .HDF image files but i didnt get good results, i found a .BAT file associate to a one STRIDER .HDF file  game release, works but ask for disk in capcom logo:
echo off
set TZ=JST-9

I  get STRIDER begin to load but asked for DISK using the same .BAT line that CAIUS posted more above, if anyone know how to make the game works from CF/HD please comment.

I´m running tests also with:

PARODIUS (begin to load but i can see black screen without errors, file DISKID is same name in both disks)
DEATH BRADE (ask for Disks)
OVERTAKE (same name files appear in disks)
. . .

I´ll hope to find solutions, please if anyone know the .BAT line codes will be great to know.
Thanks a lot.


I uploaded a pack with games not included in the Eidis image (by the way, Eidis, where are you?We missing you..), you have just to unpack them in A:\GAMES directory of your Compact Flash (or SCSI HDD).Download from here:

Please note that I only tested them on the XM6 emulator since I didn't yet finish the Compact Flash mod on my X68000 XVI Compact.They run fine but, please, report any problem here.
Some information: Dungeon Master still requires a blank disk in drive 0 in order to work from CF or  HDD.Super Street Figher II has massive slowdowns on the emulator and, like Cotton, requires 4MB of RAM.
Regarding Strider, I found that it can work from CF (with the Eidis method)   if you put any disk (not only the needed Strider disks)  in either drive 0 and 1.


Hi, thanks a lot caius for the job, i´m wondering if you could try the same with Parodious or Overtake or Death Brade...

Thanks a lot again.


Hi, I tried the three games you said  but with no luck, probably they cannot be launched in this way.Anyway here are oher installed games working:


Thanks again also for last file, i´ll try. i´m wondering if finally you get the Eidis image, i received a message from you some time ago about it, i checked the original Eidis image link and still is offline, if you need the Eidis Original hard disk compilation you can download the file from below link, i uploaded it to my megaupload account, is the same original Eidis file without changes if i´m right:



Hi and thanks for the Eidis image.As I said you in a private message the now  problem is that  I can't get the right cofiguration for my SCSI to IDE project, all seems to be in order but my X68000 Compact doesn't detect any SCSI drive and  I dunno why....


 Hi, Caius !

Which SCSI to IDE adapter are you using ? Have you tried to run switch.x and set "boot" attribute to proper SCSI ID ? Please post as detailed info as possible about your current hardware specifications and maybe we will have a solution ;)


P.S. Lawrence has kindly repaired the problem which was associated with broken links to files on my account. The hard disk image is downloadable once again ! Thanks Lawrence ;)
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Quote from: eidis on April 10, 2011, 08:08:29 PM
Hi, Caius !

Which SCSI to IDE adapter are you using ? Have you tried to run switch.x and set "boot" attribute to proper SCSI ID ? Please post as detailed info as possible about your current hardware specifications and maybe we will have a solution ;)

Hi, Eidis, finally you appear again!
Yes, I'm in troble to make the SCSI to IDE working.I have a X68000 Compact, Yamaha V769970 SCSI to IDE converter, two   CF to IDE adapters, two Compact Flash cards (one 1GB Sandisk and one 4GB Kentron)

The first problem is that X68000 Compact model doesn't have internal SCSI connector but only external and I want to make an internal CF mod.Or better they have an internal SCSI connector connected by a flat cable to a small sub-board which provides the external output.But on this sub-board there 30 pads which provides all the SCSI signals as you can see from this pinout:

Someone has already succesfully made a Compatc CF mod:

I follow this guide with the excpetion that I built a snall piggyback board instead of assembling a custom SCSI cable.These are the pinot and the prototype of my  project:

I double  check with multimeter all connections, adding extra GROUND on the SCSI 50 pin connector on the piggyback board , trying all possbile combinations of jumpers of the Yamaha converter,  disconnecting TERM POWER and PARITY lines , using IDE hard drive instead of CF to IDE converter, trying two differents CF to IDE converter and   CF cards.
But no SCSI device are recognized when  I launch FORMAT and SCSIFORMAT commands.I also tried either normal Human SYS and the Masterdisk with SCSI drivers .
I tried also to connect a SCSI CD-ROM directly without the use of the Yamaha converter.The LED of the CD-ROM (and the one of the CF to IDE converters) blinks but no SCSI devices are detected.
I bought an Adaptec controller for PC to test the Yamaha converter, I'm still waiting for it.But i think Yamha converter is fine since also a normal SCSI CD-ROM has been not detected.
That's all, if you have questions , please ask.


Hi !
It could be not enough ground problem. Connect all ground signals together on the sub board, SCSI to IDE adapter and CF Reader. I prefer to use 2.5" hard disk for debugging. After switching on your X68000 you should hear a short ticking sound when X68000 tries to find a bootable device. If this happens then you are on the right track. You could also recheck your piggy back board with a multimeter to see if all contacts are good. Make sure that SCSI to IDE adapter and CF card adapter are receiving voltage. Best of luck and keep us posted !

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Hi, Eidis before I read your last message  I succeded it!  And , as you said, it was a problem of insufficient ground!I joined all the ground points on the sub-board and now my X68000 Compact correctly recognizes the CF to IDE and the two Compact Flash card  (a 1GB Sandisk and a 4GB Kentron).
Then I restored your image and all works fine , the only problem  I had is  that one time I couldn't navigate  in the files commander (the keyboard didn't respond anymore) so I turned off the PARITY jumper in the Yamaha V769970 converter and now all seems fine.Termination jumper in ON instead.

Anyway now I'm modifyng the piggyback board layout and then I will post my experience in this forum so everyone with a X68000 Compact will be able to made their Compact Flash mod.If you, Eidis and other members , have any questions, please feel free to ask.
Last but not the least,  I want to thank Painkilla, the author of  this blog:

because , without his precious help and diagrams, I never would done by myself.Thanks Painkilla and pardon for the hundred of messages  I sent you.!I'll never break your b....s... ;D

See you later!


 Hi, Caius !

Glad to hear that everything went fine. I have noticed that it is very advisable to disable DMA on SCSI to IDE adapter because otherwise data corruption can happen.

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Hi, i tried install Gradius 2 Gofer from Original Disks to CF, i put DiskA into Floppy1 and Disk B into Floppy0, there is a INSTALL.X file in B: but with CF in SCSI0 the drive B: is now C:, after boot the X68K with OPT1 pressed the disks game begin lo load a tool called INSTALL HD TOOL, or something like that, then it begin to install the floppies to CF, result all of this is a folder (by game default, i think) called RA957, into there is a lot of game floppy files, extensions .DAT. .OBJ, .VRM and .TXT but there isnt any .X file or another extension, i´m wondering how could load the game from that files, i noticed that last message in japanese after install game in CF told about F8,?¿ Please, if anyone knows how finish the install or get to run the game please comment.



Quote from: Dhampird on May 11, 2011, 01:52:56 AM
Hi, i tried install Gradius 2 Gofer from Original Disks to CF, i put DiskA into Floppy1 and Disk B into Floppy0, there is a INSTALL.X file in B: but with CF in SCSI0 the drive B: is now C:, after boot the X68K with OPT1 pressed the disks game begin lo load a tool called INSTALL HD TOOL, or something like that, then it begin to install the floppies to CF, result all of this is a folder (by game default, i think) called RA957, into there is a lot of game floppy files, extensions .DAT. .OBJ, .VRM and .TXT but there isnt any .X file or another extension, i´m wondering how could load the game from that files, i noticed that last message in japanese after install game in CF told about F8,?¿ Please, if anyone knows how finish the install or get to run the game please comment.

Hi Dhampird,
Aftet you install gradius2 by that install.x by KONAMI,  Disk A should be inserted to drive 0 and press F8 key while booting to activate "HDD install mode(?)".
Disk A is acting like a Key disk or protection disk or whatever. You need that even though you install game to CF card.
In "HDD install mode", game read data from HDD not from floppy disk after it boots.
What you get from HDD install is fast access speed. Seamless(?) game play?  :P
That's the way KONAMI wanted. ;D


This is a patch program for "genuine" HDD install.
Made by somebody I don't know(maybe by Mr. TAM2?).  I got it from somewhere on the net I don't remember.
By the way it is only for joystick. No keyboard. Actually ESC and F1~F10 key works.
How to install :
Copy all of the files of Gradius 2 disk A and disk B to a new directory then copy attached two files onto it (backup "sd_drv.x" file if you need original one.)
Then type gra2pat.x and push F8 key to get it played on HDD.

Tips.  shift + del key allows you quit game while playing game anytime.


 This is awesome ! It inspired me to find this:

Anyone willing to take a shot at making other games work with these patches ? ;)

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Quote from: eidis on May 12, 2011, 04:01:24 AM
This is awesome ! It inspired me to find this:

Anyone willing to take a shot at making other games work with these patches ? ;)


Yeah,  this is what I was looking for!Thanks Eidis like always.But I think these patches has been also made with some languages programming skills (  X68000 assembler IMHO).I think that first we have to try the patches in the link, I see it very hard since the README files are in japanaese language and this make not so easy to identify which game is the patch for..

By the way I'm finishing the tutorial about CF mod on X68000 CompactXVI, it will be online very soon...


Quote from: caius on May 12, 2011, 08:45:15 AM

Yeah,  this is what I was looking for!Thanks Eidis like always.But I think these patches has been also made with some languages programming skills (  X68000 assembler IMHO).I think that first we have to try the patches in the link, I see it very hard since the README files are in japanaese language and this make not so easy to identify which game is the patch for..

A pie in the sky?  ;D


 It's not that hard actually. You can use to translate the readme files. I did a lot of translating that way when I tried to connect hard disk to my X68000.  If someone feels up to the task, please install Japanese code pages in regional settings and if necessary set language for unicode programs as Japanese to display those readme files correctly.

Here are some things to try. The main target is Parodius. If someone could make Motos run off HD it would be awesome.

X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Hi! thanks netwalka , like you said both methods to install Gradius Gofer works perfectly, i add the game here with !start.bat, running from CF now.

(will be great find some invincible patch or cheats for this game, is difficult also in practice mode :o)

Also, I tried with Parodius but i jammed in process when a japanese message appear like some part of install in X68K screen, not working for now, but i get the translate from original .doc:


    The main patch program (PARO_PAT.X) was launched using Parodius! The
   The end is dedicated to JOY STICK PORT # 0. Please note.
   (ESC and F01 - F10 to action is allowed)

   Basically, "PARO_PAT.X" which has just started, and you're ready for a little environmental
   I raised. FD who wish to start at the base, the thing must be prepared to receive

 "Floppy boot"

 - Create a bootable disk

   1. Disk containing system (hereinafter: the boot disk) to make.
       (FORMAT / S, etc.)
   2. Transfer COMMAND.X
   3. Parodius A boot disk for all files transferred to the disk.
   4. Copy PARO_PAT.X startup disk.
   5. Delete the CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT and add the following.

   | Echo off |
   | PARO_PAT.X |
   | Echo on |

   Please start after FD from normal.
   Since the start-EJECT FD is, if the master disk and replace OK! It is.

 "Mass Media Launch"

     Create a batch file that starts, DRIVE All you need to put the master disk 0
   It is. ("PARO_INS.X" only if you installed)

   | Echo off |
   | B: |
   | CD PARO |
   | PARO_PAT.X |
   | Echo on |

   Just run the batch prepared for starting something like this.
   How easy was. (Starting directory is always installed.)

There is more staff in .DOC japanese file refering to functions...

Thanks a lot netwalka for fully help, now probably we can add more games...



When using those patches, sometimes simply adapting that *.x file is not enough.
From my vague memories, you may find several *.bfd files and those have file update information. You guys can patch some data files with bup.x tool and that bfd files. Find it first.

Only after patching some files , you may run games on the HDD with that paro_pat.x. Almost same to gradius 2 ,I guess.

I Connected by mobile phone . So can't get into that LZH file now.


Finally we got Strider working entirely from HDD thanks to the patch of the link  kindly provided by Eidis (yes,always him.. ;)), here is the archive, simply uncompress it in your games directory of the CF and launch !Start.bat from the  file commander:

The patch requires more than 2MB of RAM othewise game won't run!


Quote from: eidis on May 12, 2011, 02:02:58 PM
It's not that hard actually. You can use to translate the readme files. I did a lot of translating that way when I tried to connect hard disk to my X68000.  If someone feels up to the task, please install Japanese code pages in regional settings and if necessary set language for unicode programs as Japanese to display those readme files correctly.

Here are some things to try. The main target is Parodius. If someone could make Motos run off HD it would be awesome.


Regarding Motos, I'm trying to run it from HDD using the patch archive 'motos.lhz'.First you have to extract 15 files from Motos floppy image by using mkmotos.x and  then the it could be run by launching 'MOTOS.x' (which has to be in the same folder of the 15 extracted files) with the floppy inserted in DF0 (If I understood well from the translated the README file)
I only succesfully extracted the 15 files but when I launch motos.x nothing happens.I also update the patch with the  'motosp01.bfd' diff file included in the 'motosp01.lzh' archive but without success. I test the patch in the emulator, maybe in the real it works (the author says it has only tested in a X68030)
Attached is the output of motos.x, maybe someone can translate from japanese:


Here is Viewpoint running from HDD using patch V2.00 (there is also a V1.00 but I use the latest V2.00):


 I was kind of obsessed with running Parodius from hard drive. After three hours of frustration here is the result:

Now can anyone please make Motos run from HDD ?

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.


Quote from: eidis on May 24, 2011, 05:29:12 AM
I was kind of obsessed with running Parodius from hard drive. After three hours of frustration here is the result:

Now can anyone please make Motos run from HDD ?

Keep the scene alive !

Good job!I tried to install Parodius with the patch but  I never succeded.Maybe  I was using a different version of the game.What version and patch have you used?Please, tell me the right procedure of installing, I want to know where  I was wrong.

Regarding Motos, there are different patches, some that will give you cheats and one that will install it on HDD.This last first extract files from image file since Motos uses trackloader and Diskexplorer doesn't work with it.I tried, the patch extract succesfully 15 files, then you have to launch patched executable "motos.x".But when  I launch it I obtain this japanese message (maybe the version of the game is wrong, please someone transalate it):


   Hi !

I owe it all to netwalka for his great idea. The trick is as follows. Download:

Extract contents from paro_pat.lzh to root directory of your x68000 hard drive, launch paro_ins.x and press "SPACE". Insert Parodius disk1 and, when asked, disk2. IMHO all it does is makes directory called "paro" in root directory of x68000 hard disk and copies all files to it. There is a catch though. It renames disk_id files for both disks - disk_id.oka and disk_id.okb.

Extract bup.x from bdifset.lzh to created "paro" directory and execute without brackets "bup.x paro_sd.bfd". It will search for SD_DRV.X and patch it. After that it's pretty straight forward.

Keep the scene alive !
X68000 personal computer is called, "X68K" or "no good good" is called, is the PC that are loved by many people today.