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About SHARP CZ-6BV1 use...

Started by Dhampird, December 01, 2010, 02:36:06 PM

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Hello everyone, i get a X68000 XVI (CZ-634C-TN)  from Auctions Yahoo Japan, I have not yet received, looking more another auctions i found a X68000 video card, model SHARP CZ-6BV1, i´m wondering what features have this video card, looking in another webs i saw that this card have composite video OUT, S-Video OUT, TV Control, Analog RGB OUT, VTR REC ON-OFF, i dont know if will be possible to use with XVI model and conect the VIDEO OUTS to a RGB 14" monitor like a Sony KX-14CP1, i´m intrigued if this card enables all related OUT signals to conect with a TV or CRT monitor, or what kind of functions have the card, please if anyone knows about this video card please tell me something info.

Thanks a lot.


Well, this is the conection diagram for SHARP CZ-6BV1:


I have to tell that VIDEO OUT and S-VIDEO OUT can handle only 15KHZ, when the X68K boot up i cant see nothing in Monitor, only display image with 15Khz signal games, i´m wonder if there is any way to set X68000 boot to 15Khz by software and then be able to see also boot or DOS with composite signal or S-Video. Same happen with RGB SCART cable, if i conect it to 3 i only can see image RGB SCART with 15Khz games, then i dont know if there is any config that allow X68000 boot up in 15Khz ever time instead 31Khz.

To build SCART RGB cable i followed the link below info changing signals in SCART for PAL SCART, the RGB JAPANESE 21 SCART uses different pinout, not compatible with SCART PAL TV or monitors, anyway i didnt understand the purpose switch install of the RGB cable. Will be great to know how build a SCART cable compatible with 31Khz and 15Khz without use a converter. Is that possible?

I´m using now the card with 2 monitors , a CRT monitor and a 15Khz monitor for testing CF games and to know which are that games that use 15Khz.

I didnt test VTR REC ON/OFF function for now.


If anyone knows about another SCART RGB diagram for X68000 that works with 31Kkz and also 15Khz, please post. I found this:


Quote from: Dhampird on March 13, 2011, 07:19:10 AM
If anyone knows about another SCART RGB diagram for X68000 that works with 31Kkz and also 15Khz, please post. I found this:

Actually, I got that circuit diagram from the site below.

You already knows the pinout of x68000 , so that circuit can be utilized for x680000.

But even with that circuit, you still need 2 monitors - 31KHz monitor and 15 KHz one with SCART or JAP 21pin RGB multi input connector.

Or some kind of upscan convertor like Micomsoft XRGB2/2+/3 will help.

If you have a monitor with 2 RGB inputs, it will be way convenient to use upscan convertor.

One input for direct 31KHz signal from x68000 and another for 15KHz signal (upscanned to 31KHz thru upscan convertor)

I guess the ultimate solution would be getting a dedicated monitor for X68000 like cz-6XX series.

But the risk of damage during international shipment and the cost might be outrageous.  :'(

Jap to Eur .... so long and winding way.


For my X68000 XVI Compact I use a Microvitec M1438S ('S' stands for stereo because ther is another version without stereo spekers) monitor, it's a monitor produced By Mitcrovitec for the Commodore Amiga compters.It can handle either 15KHz either 31KHz.Its specifications are:

A 14-inch, .28 pitch, multisync monitor with internal stereo

   Vertical Scan Rates:          45-100 Hz
   Horizontal Scan Rates:   15-40 KHz
   MPR-II Compliant

A review here:

There is one on right now:

I highly recommend it for your X68000!


Mmmm, thanks a lot for the help, like another possibility i found a device "15Khz RGB CGA Component Video to VGA Converter Scaler" :

i´m wonder if with this device also i´ll have to use 2 monitors, i think that is right because the scaler can only handle 15Khz input signal than then transform to VGA HDTV compatible. I mean that will be great to know if using this scaler device in the same X68000 RGB out could handle also 31Khz signal switching with the 15Khz, i think that this scaler will be only usefull with 15Khz signals from X68000, not with 31Khz, then I fear that could only be used with 15Khz signals.

Is there some method that allows handle 31Khz and 15Khz in same x68000 RGB out cable ( without using original X686K monitors or another multisync monitors) to use with VGA signal in HDTV televisions?

Thanks a lot for help.