I want to order an XRGB-3 from Amazon Japan

Started by Xenogias, April 09, 2010, 05:46:00 AM

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How do I go about doing this, lol.  I have heard some of you (Lawrence) recommend this, but on the page it says that this item cannot be shipped outside of Japan.


Could somebody who has done this walk me through?


Quote from: Xenogias on April 09, 2010, 05:46:00 AM
How do I go about doing this, lol.  I have heard some of you (Lawrence) recommend this, but on the page it says that this item cannot be shipped outside of Japan.


Could somebody who has done this walk me through?

Sure, I'm one of those people that ordered the XRGB-3 from Amazon Japan.  As you've noticed, no retailer will ship the XRGB-3 (or many other goods for that matter) outside of Japan.

So, the first and most important item you have to determine is:  Where will I be shipping the item to in Japan?  For me, it was the address of where a friend was visiting in Japan (who thankfully returned with my XRGB-3 intact).  There are other services that will do the leg work for you (forgot the name of one), but they charge for their services (given).

Once you've determined shipping arrangements for amazon jp, you're ready to start!

From the English link you posted:

1. Click the "Add To Shopping Cart" button on the right hand side of the page
2. Click the "Proceed To Checkout" button on the right hand side of the page
3. When presented with the logon page, select the first bullet point (to create a new account - disables password entry field),
4. Enter the email you'd like to use in the first edit box (field)
5. Click the yellow/orange button to start the account creation process
6. Enter the shipping address in Japan you've decided upon
7. Select the "My billing address is different button" and continue to the next step
8. Enter the billing information

This should get you going...  :D


Thank you for you helpful response.  Unfortunately I don't know anyone inside of Japan at the moment so I guess I will have to keep my eye out on the forums.  The ones on ebay seem just too expensive at $475.


There's a VERY reasonably priced XRGB-3 available over on the shmups.com board. 220 EUR (probably plus shipping). Have a look!


Fudoh you are just the man.  I sent him a PM, thanks!



I'm still constantly surprised how much better RGB is than even S-video.


I don't know if you still looking for it but I can order it for you from Amazon Japan and shoot it over to your address.

Actually if anyone needs any help getting games from Amazon JP send me a message.

ADMIN EDIT: This user is not known to me, and is new to the forum.  While I appreciate anyone offering to help out this forum's users, I would suggest anyone tempted to take Ryan up on his offer use appropriate caution.  And Ryan, this comes tantalizingly close to being spam, though I'll allow it this time.


People... this is rediculous.  While I happened to have found one route for purchasing a XRGB-3, I didn't realize or hope we'd actually have people popping out of the woodwork like this.  

NCSX will SPECIAL ORDER the XRGB-3 - more requests/orders will hopefully change the Status from "Sold Out" to "In Stock" - though the price will need to be updated ($379.99 is completely reasonable).

Please send your requests to NCSx.  They are an established importer, and the demand needs to be made if people wish to purchase the XRGB-3.