Dreamcast VGA tinted teal/green

Started by Stephen_Ri, September 24, 2003, 11:41:28 AM

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I use a VGA box(Binary Star brand) for my DC and recently it started giving me a greenish tint on everything. I tried  the connections and tested it on both my monitors with the same results. Any ideas?


A 'greenish tint' isn't really descriptive enough.  Are the Red + Blue gone entirely, or is the green just extra bright?


It displays green and blue fine, but no red, just gray tones tinted green because the whole screen is tinted green. Like when I start the DC up I should get a white screen with the DC logo but it is light teal/green instead. I opened the VGA box up and the red wire was not loose or anything. The box has conposite/s-video pass through and composite displayes colors correctly.


I had a VGA box once that was so crappy it broke in 2 days - the wires inside the cable to the VGA box snapped.  Sounds like that's what's happened to you.  If you can, replace the cable.  If not, replace the whole box.