Workin' with VGA

Started by zedrein, November 14, 2009, 01:26:25 PM

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Hi everyone! I recently purchased a non-official Wii VGA cable. This sucker takes the Wii's Y Pb Pr progressive output and transcodes it to 31 kHz RGB. While there are obvious benefits so far (no color bleeding and more authentic and natural looking picture) the picture is still incredibly blurry! no matter if the display technology: LCD or CRT. Sooooooo, I was wondering if there was any way humanly possible to prevent my VGA display from extrapolating the image? It would be so wonderous if the display could simply take the Wii's 640x480 resolution and keep it pixel-to-pixel exactly as it is output.


Perhaps I was about this being a legitimate question? Dead wrong.


It sounds like it does a poor conversion job to me.  If you're running on a CRT at VGA resolution, there's basically no chance it's interpolating the image.  What you're seeing is almost certainly what the cable puts out.  If it's blurry, either the source image is blurred, or the cable is adding blur as part of the conversion process.

If it was only on the LCD, yeah, blame the monitor.  CRTs don't stretch or otherwise interpolate images as a rule.


Are you sure this cable transcodes YPbPr to RGB? The display on my CRT HDTV using the official Nintendo component cable at 480p is nice and sharp. VGA shouldn't be any different.


Quote from: cgm on November 15, 2009, 11:11:31 AM
Are you sure this cable transcodes YPbPr to RGB? The display on my CRT HDTV using the official Nintendo component cable at 480p is nice and sharp. VGA shouldn't be any different.

That's for sure what it's doing, I know because before I even plug the thing into my VGA monitor I have to change the Wii's resolution to 480p. Only Y Pb Pr can do progressive scan on the Wii.