ps3 ps2 emulation delay?

Started by mr. newbie, November 03, 2009, 03:03:51 PM

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mr. newbie

Does anyone know if a 60gb ps3 has any video or input delay when playing ps2 games (at 480i)? It seems fine to me, but i've heard a lot anecdotal evidence that it is somehow different than a standard ps2. Google has been of no help. If not, does anyone know how i can accurately test this?

Thanks!  :D

*i wasn't sure what forum to post this in as this pertains to controllers and video.


The only issue I know of with the 20GB and 60GB (NTSC) consoles are slightly annoying issues with sound on "some select titles" due to the sound hardware being software emulated and it not being 100% accurate.

Something related to echo/chorus/reverberation effects on the sound hardware which are not used on all games.

I personally own a CECHB-01  (20GB US) PS3 and the only PS2 game I have sound issues with is Final Fantasy XI.

Sabishii Hito

I've read that there is  a 4-frame input lag when playing PS2 games on BC PS3 systems.  I can attest to the fact that there is some detectable lag when playing PS2 fighting games on my 20GB Japanese PS3.


Are you using the upscale feature ?
I don't use that feature because I don't have any HD display here.

Sabishii Hito

Quote from: l_oliveira on November 04, 2009, 08:31:42 AM
Are you using the upscale feature ?
I don't use that feature because I don't have any HD display here.

From my reading, the lag is there whether you upscale or not.


I have played some fighting games in it but I failed to notice any lag...

Still, it has to copy the display data from the EE+GS chip (or GS only chip on COK-002 mobo) output to  the RSX frame buffer before displaying anyway so I don't think you're wrong.
It's just that I didn't notice any lag myself.

Sabishii Hito

Quote from: l_oliveira on November 04, 2009, 11:38:30 PM
I have played some fighting games in it but I failed to notice any lag...

Still, it has to copy the display data from the EE+GS chip (or GS only chip on COK-002 mobo) output to  the RSX frame buffer before displaying anyway so I don't think you're wrong.
It's just that I didn't notice any lag myself.

It was enough to make me break out the actual PS2 to play SF Zero 2, that's for sure.


Quote from: mr. newbie on November 03, 2009, 03:03:51 PM
Does anyone know if a 60gb ps3 has any video or input delay when playing ps2 games (at 480i)?

There is no lag if you run a PS2 game on a PS3 at 480i. There are several problems with this however. First and foremost is that you must run the system at 480i in order to do this. Second, and perhaps more problematic for most people, is that you cannot ever get a 480i signal from the PS3 when using HDMI. The lowest resolution you may select is 480p. So if you are using HDMI then your PS2 games will lag under all circumstances when played on your PS3.

If you use component with your PS3 you can prove the above to yourself. Set your PS3 to 480i then turn on your PS2 game, notice the graphics and the timing, even filming with a camera if you like. Then change the resolution to any other resolution via the XMB, even 480p will cause the problem. The first thing that you will notice when your PS2 game starts is that the image will be a hell of a lot blurrier than it was when you were using 480i, and it is from this that all the other problems occur--"480p" is achieved via deinterlacing. That's right, as much sense as it would seem to make to just turn on progressive scan, the RSX deinterlaces instead.

Now just for fun, try this. If you have a PS2 game which supports 480p via either the button-hold method or an options menu, just start that game without changing your PS3's resolution via XMB first. Then use the button method or your menu to activate 480p. Notice that the image is crisp, not blurry, colours are brighter, etc. This is because activating the PS2's progressive scan mode overrides the upscale & deinterlace modes that the RSX does, it isn't possible to upscale the 480p image which actually looks correct and does not lag.

mr. newbie

hmm seems the answer still isn't clear. again i can't tell but i really don't trust my eyes.

deinterlacing huh? despite that i've been loving it (compared to composite on a pos tube, and my dlp) at 480p on my crt monitor.

i do have a problem with the upscaled output being....dark. adjusting contrast/brightness doesn't seem to help. is that because of the deinterlacing or do i suck at adjusting my display?

Sabishii Hito

Quote from: Endymion on November 07, 2009, 09:05:33 AM
There is no lag if you run a PS2 game on a PS3 at 480i.

There is lag even if you're using composite video or s-video:

mr. newbie

i've been a member of srk since 03. those cats are quick to jump on a lot of bs. like 360 ps3 wireless controllers lagging, mas sticks lagging, or rotation of the moon messing up hit confirms.

so again while i don't doubt it at all, i just wish i could get something definitive (# of frames) to satisfy my curiosity.

in the end i guess it's ok just knowing it isn't perfect


I don't use the PS3 to play PS2 games because mostly what I play is Final Fantasy XI and like I mentioned on earlier posts the sound is horrible enough to make me go "ew". So I think I'll be using my PS2 until the hard disk breaks. But then I have two spares. (Official SONY hard disks) :P

So because these official hard disks are difficult to obtain, I made sure I had at least three of it.