PC-Engine Exp. Bus Connector

Started by Midori, May 08, 2009, 02:07:19 AM

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I've recently aquired a PC-Engine and am currently using a composite video lead for it. Although RGB would be better, I don't want to mod this unit. Instead I would prefer to modify a unit that uses the expansion bus.

But here's my question:

Is the Expansion Bus connector unique to the PC-Engine or could you buy loose connectors from...somewhere?(ain't very accustomed with american stores and Elfa won't tell non-swedes very much :-) )

In other words: Will I have to buy a Tennokoe 2 or similar PC-Engine expansion unit or can I build a unit of my own using loose parts?

I tried to do a smaller search but didn't find much useful. Perhaps my searching skills are lacking...


It's pretty much unique.  If you don't want to modify the PCE or buy another unit, your only option is to buy a larger connector (which is easily purchased) and cut part of it off.  I've seen it done in japanese hacking mags, but I've not done it myself.


Sounds like a feasible idea, why didn't I think of that....

I'll try and tell if I have any success. Thank you.