Some clarifications on the signal separator

Started by madmalkav, January 27, 2004, 07:24:22 PM

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So, I get the 3DO video composite cable, solder it to the LM1881, and I get a clean sync signal. Now, where do I solder that? In component mode, SCART connectors don't have a sync input, as far as I know, so how am I supposed to use this signal?

[Edited: previous version of this message was confuse, retard english. Not like this is too much better, but...]


What are you trying to do with it?  The 3DO doesn't output RGB or, AFAIK, component video.  Why do you want composite sync??


Cuz I'm a poor idiot. Two hours and 3 coffees later I understood that. I have to stop trying to think in the morning. Sorry for bothering. I have just get to the conclusion that for as low as 30$ I can get an NTSC to PAL60 converter that will take out all my headaches and my sutipd posts. Thanks again and sorry for this stupid post.