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3d0 pinout?

Started by ulao, July 07, 2008, 11:05:18 PM

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Can anyone tell me where latch clock and data are on this controller? I saw some schematics floating about but its not for this controller..Of the 9 pins 5 are used. I thinks pins 2 and 3 are the power source and ground (from memory) but I'm not having any luck with the others. I think the controller is much like a snes. I here the snes will work on the 3do if the pins are re-wired.


Ah found it never mind..

for feature inquiriers.

3DO pinout:
Pin            Description
1            GND
2            VCC
3            Audio 1
4            Audio 2
5            VCC
6            P/S (Latch)
7            Clock
8            GND
9            Data