GBA Screen Replacment with GBA SP?

Started by Cyber Axe, June 17, 2008, 02:56:54 AM

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Cyber Axe

Just wondering if it is possible to swtich the gba screen with the gba sp screen i know they are different ribbon cables but i'd imagine one could get them working if one was to open up the cables and manually connect and such?


they're mechanically different.
I don't think they're electronically different though ...

Good luck figuring out the pinouts...   ::)


most technical information for video game hardware is scarce at best.. it's probably possible, but youll probably have to figure it out for yourself. focus on the video lines first, then worry about the backlight later.


That kind of display don't use analog video. We usually have a bitstream (eight or more bits) instead of analog R/G/B and control signals (including vsync and hsync) plus a serial bus used to control the screen adjusts (contrast/brightness, grahpic mode, etc)

The backlight is just a pair of white leds so it's just a pair of wires.


yeah, but being that theyre essentially the same console, can we espect the screens to be compatible with a bit of rewiring?


Quote from: phreak97 on July 17, 2008, 03:25:23 PM
yeah, but being that theyre essentially the same console, can we espect the screens to be compatible with a bit of rewiring?

That's exactly what I said on the post #2 on this thread. :)

One thing that can be done is track down the pins of the CPU ASIC to the LCD connection on both model of motherboards. Then use the reference to compare the pinouts. The CPU ASIC is very likely to have the same pinout on both units.