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Started by Kouske, January 18, 2004, 03:53:28 AM

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Hi guys, was searching for a mod site and stumbled upon this site witch i am very gratefull for.
You have some really cool FAQS on modding various consoles.
And where's it better to ask than a place most probably full of pro's on this subject.

The deal is, is that i have this PAL SNES.
And i want to run some JP games on it and US aswell if possible.
PAL and JAP carts seem somewhat alike besides the fact that PAL runs 50Hz and JP runs 60Hz witch i presume that you already know.

The question must be pretty obvious by now but i was wondering if i could run JP and also US without an adapter.

EDIT: Also tell if it has anything to do with wiring the inside and stuff like that.
Cause then i know that i will have to buy an adapter as i can't really get those tools and my hands shake to much to even be able to perform such a task.


Still no answer.


yeah you gotta open it up and wire 3 little pins to different places.


If the mod you're on about is the one I think you're on about, it's the most common SNES mod there is and there are instructions in about 5,000 places online.
You can try for a start.


Well, i read through the SNES guides that GamesX.
And noticed 2 guides dealing with imports.
1) You need to solder some stuff inside your SNES in order to play Imports.
2) Cutting the tabs inside the cartridge slot.

Since i, not to sure about the tabs, are they also in a PAL console. And if tehy are, will my removing them allow me to play imports.
Find it highly unlikely, since it doesn't make my PAL system capable of running 60Hz games.
But i may be wrong.

And since option 1 requires me to do some soldering.
Thats out of the question aswell.

So that would lead to needing an adapter right??


The adapter will let you play foreign games in your system, but at PAL50, not NTSC60. Anyway, that's the best you can aspire without soldering.


My mate has a pal snes and he reckons that  there are no region protection for the pal snes and you just need to cut the tab off under the cartidge port.He said that he saw the procedure described in an australian snes magazine a long time ago.I have heard it mentioned before so I assume it is at least partially true although there may actually be some extra internal modifications as well...he didn't do the mod himself and he has no import games....nor does he play the thing anymore which is why I'll probably grab it off him.I am also interested to know if after this modfication I will not only be able to play import snes games......but run a flash cart in there also?
I guess I will have a look around but feel free to provide an answer :)


QuoteMy mate has a pal snes and he reckons that  there are no region protection for the pal snes and you just need to cut the tab off under the cartidge port.He said that he saw the procedure described in an australian snes magazine a long time ago.I have heard it mentioned before so I assume it is at least partially true although there may actually be some extra internal modifications as well...he didn't do the mod himself and he has no import games....nor does he play the thing anymore which is why I'll probably grab it off him.I am also interested to know if after this modfication I will not only be able to play import snes games......but run a flash cart in there also?
I guess I will have a look around but feel free to provide an answer :)
You Have to do the 50/60 switch.. otherwise it will screw up.
[span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\']barenakedladies[/font][/span]


Yes I knew that...although I should've mentioned I knew that :rolleyes:
Good to hear that,although I'm not sure I'll bother....emulation is so perfect these days,and the flash carts don't run many of the special chip games.....particularly star ocean which I am the most interested in.Still might be fun to mod yet another console :D