X68000 Newbie Buyer's Guide

Started by Uroko-Sakanaito, February 22, 2007, 07:04:04 PM

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Hi there; i have a lot of questions about the X68k System
Please excuse my bad englisch ^-^

1) Can i use a regular PC Monitor's on it ?
(and what to do with the 15kHz Games?)

2) Can i use a regular PC Keyboard's on it ?

3) What must i do, to play a Game ?
are there any Key's or do they auto boot ?

4) What are known Problems of the X68k System ?
and what can i do against it ?

5) Are the Disk's still working ?
and if not, what can i do ?

6) How many Games exist ?
Must have's ?

7) Can you give me some (ca) prices about the different X68k Systems ?

8) Do you now the (ca) shipping price for a complete unit from japan/ to germany ?

Thank you very much,
i hope to discuss with you in the future about X68k gaming ^-^

PS thats the only active englisch X68k Board i have found  :o  


Quote1) Can i use a regular PC Monitor's on it ?
Most games boot into 31kHz, VGA-friendly.  The few games that do not can be changed over, with only a few exceptions.  Atomic Robo Kid is only 15kHz.

Quote2) Can i use a regular PC Keyboard's on it ?

Quote3) What must i do, to play a Game ?
Insert disk, turn on system, wait.  That's it.  It's not a Commodore64.  =)

Quote4) What are known Problems of the X68k System ?
This is a big question.  The three biggest problems are:
i. dead PSUs.  There's a repair guide on GameSX.com
ii. Bad floppy drives.  There is no fix.
iii. Corrupt saveRAM (or some other reason you'll get the bad error message)

Quote5) Are the Disk's still working ?
The disks never die.  I've never received a game that had bad floppies.

Quote6) How many Games exist ?
Lots.  As for must-haves, well, that depends on you.  I put up a gallery of some good ones.