Wii classic controller

Started by phreak97, January 02, 2007, 02:53:19 PM

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ok, basically im inspired to do something with this because i was pissed off at not being able to play gamecube games with the classic controller. i have a classic controlelr and gamecube controllers, and im going to eventually crack them open and see what the difference is component-wise between the analogue parts. if the pots are all the same values, then converting a classic controller into a gamecube controller should be quite easy with the help of a third-party organ donor for the gamecube encoder:P otherwise, is there anyone who understands the programming side enough to come up with something less brutal? any use for the classic controller would be cool.. i wonder if it could be switched to work as a gamecube controller or as a snes controller.. im pretty confident n64 is out of the question..  how do encoders go with sharing inputs?


i just read this again and i dont even know what i was talking about.... and encoders can share inputs im sure.
still.. does anyone know if there are any off the shelf components that could be made into a classic controller? or have nintendo made up another encoder again? im more interested in turning a snes controller into a classic controller now. though ill probably just squeeze a gamecube controller encoder into the snes controller.


my one downfall has always been that i have nothing to write to ic's with.
ill probably just hack up a thid party gamecube controller and cut the pcb as small as i can.


The author of that page sells pre-programmed chips too!