Bad Amiga Joy PCB diagram.

Started by Akir, December 24, 2006, 09:19:36 AM

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I've decided to create an Amiga Controller (which supposedly will work for some Atari systems, according to a source), because those kinds of controllers are unusually rare in my area. so I've designed a basic diagram for construction of one for Printed Circuit Boards. I'm going to fabricate my own controller, but I'm not sure that I have all the pins wired correctly. Could someone check this out for me?

Original dia Diagram:

Exported and modified PNG image:

Original SVG Export:


You should check for pinouts.
You have "connected" 2 times a wire to pin #1 (you are missing pin #3) and your GND is taken from the wrong pin (it's 8 not 7).


It's not grounded. that pin was going to the button because I would have crossed over if it was on the top. and the fact that more then one button is connected to pin one is a typo. It's correct in the SVG and DIA diagrams (The PNG is modefied because dia doesn't export text for some reason).

Anyways, I'm about to change the diagram again, because I now realize what bad design that was....