connecting more controllers to parallel port...

Started by nemesis_knoxville, August 23, 2006, 12:59:48 PM

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I am constructing an adapter that will have 3 ports, one for Playstation controller, one for SNES controller and one for Mega Drive Controller, I want to know if I can connect all ports to one parallel port...
I want it to choice what controller I will use... like... Now I want to play with the playstation, now I want to play with SNES...
If it have a way to put a swich to choose what controller I will use, it will be better, because, if I have all controllers connected, It will give me an error(i think)...
Maybe If I can chose what controller I will use, and when I have all controllers connected, I can use 2nd player and 3rd player...
well that's it...
thank you all!!!


and if i put only mega drive and playstation???


NK, it's perfectly possible to use a manual switch, or an automatic electronic one, to determine which input port is in use. Keep in mind that you'l still need a separate decoder for each controller type you elect to connect. Also, you may need some kind of logic to handle the exception that will occur if you accidentally have more than one controller plugged in, perhaps on the software driver side. But your concept is plausible, if impractical. Feel free to try building one, and good luck.

-KKC, making mischief with disc storage.


The problem is, i don't know how to do this... anyone have a scheem or something like that? thank you!


Look at the supported on the interfaces on the PPjoy website (I assume that's what your using)

You can use a parallel port switchbox to switch between interfaces.


now I have othe question:
I can put 2 playstation controllers on pc, 1st player and 2nd player...
how can I put a playstation controller for 1st player and a Mega Drive controller in the 2nd player?
is there any driver that I can choose what controller I will use as 1st player?
thank you...