Gamecube component cable

Started by olic, April 08, 2006, 10:09:01 PM

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As many of you are probably aware, its almost impossible nowadays to find one of these cables, especially over here in the UK.  Even on ebay nowadays they are going for over �60.

I can get hold of a D-Terminal cable however, for a fair bit less, and i was wondering whether anyone knew how to convert one of these into a component cable?  I'm guessing its not too difficult, all the guides i can find are for making VGA cables rather than component and i need a component connection to fit onto my plasma tv!


There is a picture of a cable that has the end cut off, is it a case of finding the right wires and soldering the compoent connectors on to the R/G/B cables with the corresponding grounding?  Or do i need to do some other things?


And it will get even more difficult since Nintendo has stopped making the cable (as of February 2006). Luckily for me I managed to snag two of them through Nintendo's phone service. You should try to contact Nintendo directly, by phone, if you want the cable. Once they run out you're probably screwed.

If you want to do Component or RGB video from a GameCube you MUST get the GameCube Component Video Cable. For reasons of space and money, Nintendo put the Digital-to-Analog Conversion chip (that converts the raw digital signals into analog video signals) INSIDE the cable (in the plug that connects to the GameCube). You just can't make a cable and plug it into the GameCube to get Component Video. You have to get the original cable.
Console hacking is like sex. For best results you got to know where to poke.....


So the D-terminal cable doesn't have a DAC because its sending the digital signal?  I didn't consider that.


Didn't we just have this conversation, a couple of days ago?  Someone else asked how to make a component cable from the D-terminal cable.

Here's a hint:  Do some searching first.  If you'd searched the forums you'd have found the other thread, if you'd searched you'd have found the pinout showing that the d-terminal cable is just a fancy connector for component video.



QuoteDidn't we just have this conversation, a couple of days ago?  Someone else asked how to make a component cable from the D-terminal cable.

Here's a hint:  Do some searching first.  If you'd searched the forums you'd have found the other thread, if you'd searched you'd have found the pinout showing that the d-terminal cable is just a fancy connector for component video.

First of all i searched through a lot of threads but i could not find anyone asking to do this.  Feel free to prove me wrong.

So in summary, all I need to do is hook up the following:

Y, Ygnd -> Green Cable

PR, PRgnd -> Red Cable

PB, PBgnd -> Blue Cable

I don't need to worry about any other wires?



Cheers, that wasn't coming up on the search, I guess its because i was searching only this sub-forum


Yeah, I think that post was probably in the wrong place.  I knew I'd seen it though!!  Normally my memory completely lets me down.  


Nintendo still makes the Component cables. The story here is exactly the same as it has always been--you can only get it directly from them. Call them to order it or root around their website. Realise that they will likely be out of stock when you order it. You will get it eventually though, the longest I've known anyone to have to wait on their order has been two months, apparently they make them in batches.


No, they have been officially discontinued. Go back to their website and find the GameCube Component Video Cable. You will see that you can no longer get it through their website. When I got my GameCube (a thrift store find by the way) you could still get it through their website even though it said it was backordered through the end of February. When I finally tried to get the cable the website said that it has been officially discontinued and you could no longer get it off of the website.

This upset me, of course, so I wrote Nintendo asking where I could find them and they wrote me back saying to call them. I did and found out that even though they discontinued the item they still had some for sale until supplies last and through their phone center only. I got two of them (one for me and one for my brother-in-law who also owns a GameCube) and I already hacked mine for RGB (I took pictures and will try to write a wiki page later this spring showing how to do the hack including replacing the cable).
Console hacking is like sex. For best results you got to know where to poke.....


I emailed nintendo europe but no luck, they said they didnt have a clue!


Try Nintendo of America. See where that leads.
Console hacking is like sex. For best results you got to know where to poke.....