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beginner at modding

Started by knarxed, December 05, 2005, 07:55:03 PM

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My main goal is to build a controller that memorises input's and can play it back later. I plan to build other things before I get to this, to get use to it, but I need a start.

I have no knowledge of microprocessors, the other IC's, how they relate to eachother and how they are programmed, etc etc. I know there are resources online that help you learn your way around it, but I don't know where to start. Tried googling for tutorials but didnt find much.

Is there any resources that you guys know of that I should start with? Thanks.


When I was looking for primers on microcontroller programming I started with  Their incredibly popular PIC series of devices is perhaps the most commonly used microcontroller, and there are countless examples of code available online.

I didn't get far, I used official docs with command lists to work out proto programs (and had someone skilled check them; I did fairly well apparently) but never actually programmed one.

Keep us posted on your progress, and good luck.



You just want to program special moves on street fighter or something right?

There are programmable controllers available that work "out the box". I had one for the Mega Drive. It looks like a Quickshot SNES pad with a small liquid crystal display in the middle.