Is it possible to convert S-Video to component?

Started by Computolio, October 08, 2005, 04:38:53 PM

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   I'm wondering if it's possible to convert S-video to component. After all, it's easy to convert composite into S-video, so I'm going to make a naive and possibly hideously wrong assumption that it's possible to split the S-video into component.

   There's one situation where this would be useful, and that's using a component-to-VGA transcoder to convert composite/s-video to RGB without any form of line doubling.


It is possible to convert S-Video to component, just as it's possible to convert composite into component. Alas, converting 15KHz scan into 30KHz scan tends to result in line doubling. You can only convert component into VGA without line doubling if it's a progressive component signal. Converting s-video or composite into progressive requires the line doubling, as a single field only has about 240 lines in it, and that's not enough for a VGA image.
[ Not an authoritive source of information. ]


   Forgot to mention that the transcoder would be connected to a monitor that can do 15KHZ.

   So how is it done? Is converting s-video to component anywhere near as easy as converting composite into S-video?


Composite, S-Video, Component all have the same basic information in terms of sync and colour information. Hence, it's possible to convert between them, although composite carries a lower quality image than s-video and s-video carries a lower quality image than component.

Converting composite into S-Video requires the seperation of the colour information from the brightness information. Converting S-Video into component requires the seperation of the seperate channels in the colour signal.

Does the transcoder actually convert from component into VGA without altering the scan rate? 15KHz horizontal sync isn't a VGA standard.
[ Not an authoritive source of information. ]


I know this might be construed as a bit off what is being looked for but here is what i do for a solution.  My TV takes component,  my digital cable box only does s-video(frickin Cable One), and my DVD Recorder will take in s-video/composite/RF and output Component.  What I do is just put in  a cheap s-video switch box and hook up all my s-video stuff (SNES, N64, Genesis3, and digital cable box) before the DVD recorder and just use that to output.  Not great but it does give a little color bump for me instead of just a brighter picture.  I went as far to use the Gamecube game SSX3's THX setup for video to preset my video color just to tweek it a bit so the s-video looked better running through the component setup.

Just what I did.  Hope it may help.