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Started by zenloc, September 28, 2005, 07:35:15 AM

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i have a pal gamecube and a pal psone screen on the screen you have rgb inputs and the gamecube uoutputs rgb but when i connect it it does nothing black screen??

can anybody help me??


Hmm, could you describe HOW its connected?  Usually the PAL PSOne screen needs the R,G,B,C and 5v signals to work in RGB.  Also the PAL PSOne screen won't work at 60Hz.
Formerly 'butter_pat_head'


well the gamcube has these outputs:

green pin
red pin
blue pin
ground pin
composite video pin (so no c sync)
5v pin

and i connect thoses pin's to these pin inputs on the psone screen

green in
blue in
red in
C sync in
5v in
ground in

and i get nothing some people say i need tp get the c sync from the gamecube's composite video with a lm1881n chip well i tried that and it didn't wotk maby you could explain how to extract the c sync from composite video more detailed


Ah, I see the problem now.  The PSOne screens use the Y input pin for C sync.  You should be able to get away with connecting the GC's composite out to the PSOne screen's Y input.
Formerly 'butter_pat_head'


my psone scren haen't got a y input unles i take it directly of the chip??

if so which pin is it?


Is your screen a official Sony one?  If so then the info here should help.  When I opened my screen up and did some continuity testing on the connector I found that composite wasn't connected to anything but the Y input was.

If you have your screen open take a look at the area where the larger connector to the smaller board is.  You should see a pad marked 'Y_O'.  Try connecting the GC composite to that.  Also if you look a little into the board you will se some pads labeled R_IN, B_IN, G_IN and Y_IN.  Try connecting the composite to the Y_IN pad.  Take note that not all the labels are next to the pads, but are still in the same orientation.

EDIT:  I should say that I have never actually tried running my PSOne screen on RGB using composite for sync, but seeing that the screen seems to use Y for sync than composite should work cause all composite is Y (composite sync+brighness) mixed with C (colour signal) on the same wire.
Formerly 'butter_pat_head'