Insane video problem

Started by Computolio, August 26, 2005, 03:27:34 PM

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I found a Tatung CM-1435 monitor in a pile of throwaway electronics. It does CGA, VGA and RGB and has some nasty screen burn in from when it was part of some exhibit. It works, but when I tried to get it to display RGB or VGA, it did something I've never seen a monitor do: it flipped the ENTIRE IMAGE both vertically and horizontally. Yes, everything is upside down and backwards.

   What in the world could cause this? It seems to use a standard VGA-9 connector and the picture is as good as one might expect (aside from the whole upside-down backwards thing). Did someone dick around with the screen to make it work in a mirror or something? I've never heard of such a problem happening with this or any other kind of monitor.

EDIT: pictures:


haha...better open it up to check if someone's plugged the yoke connector in back-arsewards. (or perhaps the CRT in inside out (damn removalists))