Dark RGB on US Snes!

Started by Rockard, July 27, 2005, 05:11:31 AM

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Just got myself an US-ntsc-snes so I could play Kirbysuperstar =].
Anyway, I connected my official pal-snes rgb-cable to the ntsc-unit, but, unlike the common problem with that combination that the picture is too bright, the picture actually is much too dark! its like the US-N64-rgb without any rgb-booster.

I'm clueless! The serial on the back is UN14557984. Maybe I have a later machine with striped down rgb? =(

ARGH! I don't wanna install an expensive rgb-booster! :(

Thanks for any help!


The US/JP SNES require capacitors in the cable, the PAL SNES does not (or vice versa, I can never really remember).  If your cable has caps in the RGB lines short them out and your video will be peachy.

If it has no caps, add a 220uf 10V+ capacitor to each of the RGB lines, with the + terminal towards the machine.


The signal of PAL SNES is already amplified. Your image is dark with a PAL RGB cable because it has 3 resistors in the cable, the RGB signal of PAL SNES is too bright.

If you want use a PAL cable remove resistors from the SCART plug.


Simm's Club - French LAN Gaming (PC & Consoles) : http://www.asso-sc.com


It's just the other way around dears,

The PAL snes doesn't need the caps, NTSC snesses do. So, go grab any Gamecube RGB cable and it will work fine on a NTSC snes.


Thanks for all answers!

But.. something doesn't make sence. I use my official pal-snes-cable with my pal-gamecube, and it works just magnificent. The way I understand it, the picture is supposed to be dark this way, isn't it? Since the gamecube need capacitors, I suppose?


Remember that the video driver circuit for the SNES and GC arn't at all simillar. The SNES' output uses discreet components and has greater DC offset as well as less drive ability than the GC's.

Though i'm sure the resistors inside the cable do attenuate the signal somewhat. If you do a side-by-side comparison you'll see it.


why did nintendo do this?