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Started by Vertigo, June 23, 2005, 06:31:47 PM

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I saw this on 'another' forum.
QuoteThere are actually two Model 1's. The one with the text "High Definition Graphics" on it is the older model and the one without the text is the newer one. The newer one isn't compatible with all games, though I think the Power Base converter can still be used with it and the incompatible games can be played with a Game Genie.
Is this true or an out and out lie?
If it's true, which games don't work with the non-text Megadrive?
As far as I knew, the text only appeared on Japanese and Asian models.
I have a PAL one without and an Asian one with.


I've never heard of such silliness.  While I'd stop short of calling it a flat-out untruth it doesn't ring true to me.  There ARE some incompatible units across the MD line, but except for MD1 and MD2 units the only problem I've heard was with the Sega Channel modem which would only work on units without a blue wire running under the cart port, visible from the top of the machine through the cart flaps.


Yes, I thought it stunk too.
As far as I was aware it was just that dodgy Genesis3 thingy with its lack of Z80 and other stuff that was incompatible and crappy, because it's incomplete hardware.


That was me.

Here's a weird thing though.
I tried a PAL Sonic in a 60Hz switched MD1, so my g/f could play it.
It's all juddery and jerky. Correct speed but a really bad framerate.
Any idea why?

Lost Monkey

I don't know how this applies to the Japanese or PAL machines, but the US machines were released in two forms - pre and post hardware lock-out.

The first Gen 1's do not have the Sega licensing screen (produced or licensed by Sega) on boot up.  A few of the early games (namely EA games) were no longer compatible with the Gen 1 when Sega introduced a hardware lock-out - and for the most part can only be played with a Game Genie (although I am not certain that all will even work with a Game Genie).

The way to tell a non-lockout Gen 1 from a later one is by the FCC code on the bottom of the unit:  

FJ846EUSASEGA: - original without the "licensed" screen

FJ8USASEGA: - has the "licensed" screen

The "High Definition Graphics" text is not a sure way to tell them apart, nor is the serial port on the back of the Gen.


I seem to recall that Sonic was one of the only games that was recoded to play at a decent speed on PAL hardware.  It was their flagship title after all.

Do any model 1 Genesis/MD units have the "licensed by" screen?  I thought that was MD2 only.


the pal MD1 definatly exists in both the lockout bios and no bios forms. I had heard that it was early unlisenced Accolade titles that would fail on a lockd out machine, while I havent got any of those I have at least 1 bootleg japan cart that also fails on a lock out machine


there are definately two revisions, i have here a pal megadrive 1 with "High Definition Graphics - Stereo Sound" printed on it, and the white area around the power led is printed on the black, and another one without the text, and has a white piece of plastic around the power led instead of the printed white.
cant say for the compatability though, i dont play them enough to know.
i cant test right now, but i think one has an extra intro screen at the beginning before the game starts, so it's entirely possible the bios has other differences too.


Sounds like somebody is trying to invent a rule of thumb where there is none. I have two Sega Genesis 1's here that have "HIGH DEFINITION GRAPHICS" on them. Neither have the "LICENSED BY SEGA" screen. The hardware lockout absolutely happens on each of them, the startup screen has nothing to do with the hardware lockout. The thing here is that before the startup screen there was no obvious notice that Sega was enforcing a license model--after it, well duh? Sega started litigation against Accolade right after the license start screen was implemented.


Well my PAL one does have the licensed screen, but also works with all the EA carts I have (Road Rash 2, Theme Park, John Madden 92, The Immortal, Jungle Strike and a US Buck Rogers)
Lawrence, after previously testing it and concluding that the PAL and NTSC versions of Sonic almost ran at a similar speed, I'm pretty sure that's now not the case. The PAL version I have runs woefully slowly, and for some odd reason gives the horrid juddery framerate when in 60Hz mode.


I have the original PAL version of Sonic (no speed fix) and it  buggers up if you switch to 60Hz while on the title screen although it works fine if you switch during game play or before you power the MegaDrive on
[span style=\'font-size:14pt;line-height:100%\']barenakedladies[/font][/span]


Hmm. Well mine is slowest of the slow i.e. definitely not the original speed in 50Hz mode and a good speed but with horrid juddery framerate in 60Hz mode.