RGB -> Component Video

Started by BootGod, June 14, 2005, 01:33:05 PM

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Hi, I just found your site and it has some great info! I was wondering though, is there a way to convert RGB to Component Video? I was looking at this XRGB2 thing, and it looks like a great product, but I don't think it does what I'm looking for (although I think I'm going to get one regardless, because it would be very useful for other things). Basically I want to be able to hook up older consoles, like the SNES to a newer TV with component video input. So I don't think upscan conversion would be necessary, as it can stay in it's 480i format. I'm guessing it's not a simple rewire job though, I would think some logic is needed to perfrom the conversion. Any commercial products that do this, or any homemade ways to make one?

On a side note I just did the SNES SPDIF output mod, and it works great. Your not going to notice a huge quality difference, but it makes it more convienient these days and it's very cheap to build.


all you need is transcoding RGB into YUV there's RGB->YUV transcoder at around $100+ and upwards...


Any particular model you would recommend?


I'm having trouble finding a device for this. I've found one that would work, the Kramer FC-14, but that one costs well over $200 and I think its geared towards commercial use (not that it matters). Another thing that _might_ work with some screwing around is Audio Authority's 9A60 VGA to Component Video Converter, but from what i've read it only accepts RGBHV.


This may be what you need.
I bought one it worked great with all my systems after some small mods.
It was really made to work with the neo-geo aes.
Check the neo-geo.com forum the tech section for acem77 post for what I did on some systems and more info.
Systems I got to work genesis, duo, super grafx, neo-geo, supergun(super nova).
The board goes for around $100.

I ended up selling it a few weeks ago.
Now I am using my xrgb2 plus and my vga input on my HD samsung.
If your tv on supports interlaced video this may be a good option for you.

I need to get an away from interlaced video on my tv.
A handful of hd tvs have some lag problems with it.
The xrgb got me around that problem.
