Lost on how to put a different LED in my SNES

Started by muji112, June 08, 2005, 02:55:44 PM

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Im really lost as to how to replace the LED on my SNES, some of the LED's ive seen online that are pictured look bigger than the slot allotted for my SNES, do i need to cut a new hole for it or something of that nature?

Also after I desolder im not sure what was meant by someone who told me to put the LED on the opposite side, could someone please try and guide me through this in good detail as i am a novice to this all, get back to me when you can
take care bye


that was my mistake, im all pal here, the pal snes has a different design. forget i said that.


does it really need explanation?

Rip open the snes, see the power LED. Go to a shop (or whatever) and buy one the same size. Don't get a high brightness LED because the resault will annoy the fuck out of you (speaking from experience).

Back to the snes. The LED, being a diode, is polarised. One side has a flat bit. Note which way it's in. Now heat both legs of the power LED with a hot soldering iron (some solder wick or solder sucker might help here). Pull it out. Heat up the solder and poke in the new one, observing polarity. Add some more solder and make a good solder joint between the LED and the board. Cut off excess length of wire legs with side cutters (though real men use their teeth).

Now power on your snes (assuming you turned it off before you started) and bask in the glow of your new power LED.