Xbox on Computer Monitor

Started by cg_00, May 22, 2005, 02:15:13 PM

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I know about Xbox Tv to computer monitor converters. so please dont recommend that.
I have a monitor, 21 inch Dell
It has 5 BNC connectors plus the 15-dpin for the Graphic card.

anyway can i get it to use it with my xbox?? wanting to get atlease 480p
can i just use the regular HD pack and get converters for the wires??

Thank You in  :(  advance


I've heard that with the proper modification (involving flashing the bios), the XBox can natively output VGA.  Other threads on this forum deal with the non-mod route, that is, transcoding component video to RGBHV.  Here is a review of one such transcoder that was created with the Xbox in mind... maybe!

Of course, you'd have to have games that support 480p or 720p.  With my experience with the PS2's VGA out (RGsB), trying to output 1080i doesn't work properly (scrambled on a computer monitor) and is intended for HDTVs that support it.  I discovered this issue when testing the different display modes on my PS2 Linux kit.  Linux on PS2 allows the user to change the screen resolutions (eg. 640x480, 800x600, 720p, 1080i, ect).  The output is still RGsB, so its not like it changes to component output (or else the screen would have displayed green!).

The dashboard's display mode is always 480i, so you have to deal with that.  If you rip apart almost any XBox AV cable (to get the Xbox connector), any sort of cable that the system can support can be built.  Take a look at Lawrence's XBox pinout page on

This should get you started.


The dashboard was updated months and months ago, it is now progressive. If your Xbox dashboard is not, just connect it to Live and get the update.


Specifically, here is what you are looking for I am guessing:
(4th diagram down in the first post)

Explaining how to hook up a VGA port in your XBOX. Yes, you will need compatible BIOS (for XBOX, not a PC BIOS).


Hey Endymion, do you know of any games that come with the latest live update?  I'm aware of the 480p/720p/1080i settings in the dashboard when the component video mode is selected.  So, if I understand you correctly, there is an additional setting for turning the dashboard from 480i to 480p?  Also, since the vga BIOS is needed, wouldn't that ban that console from Live?

When you say "months and months" ago, can you give a more specific range for when the update was released?  I'm not going to pay for Live service, especially when, if I change the Bios, I won't be able to use the service anymore!!!  Please let me know.  Thanks.


Hi guys, was looking for controller hacks and stumbled on to this page,

I have the vd-z3 and the same 21in dell you have with the BNC plugs.
vdz-3 isnt bad, its definitly high res, a little to dark on dark games (doom) And somtimes you get shearing or stretching on white letters, my gamecube cables are in the mail so ill post back up agin when i get those in.


QuoteHey Endymion, do you know of any games that come with the latest live update?  I'm aware of the 480p/720p/1080i settings in the dashboard when the component video mode is selected.  So, if I understand you correctly, there is an additional setting for turning the dashboard from 480i to 480p?  Also, since the vga BIOS is needed, wouldn't that ban that console from Live?

When you say "months and months" ago, can you give a more specific range for when the update was released?  I'm not going to pay for Live service, especially when, if I change the Bios, I won't be able to use the service anymore!!!  Please let me know.  Thanks.
I don't know if you can update your Xbox by using a game--haven't tried it that way nor have I heard of it, but as for the update, well it was the only update released last year. I think. I remember a big to-do about it on several of the boards I frequent and a progressive dashboard was one thing that was raved over.

As for the BIOS, mods and et cetera--the way I understand modding you need to have not signed into Live before modding the console. I know plenty of people who say they've done it this way and not had a problem, there are dissenters but most seem to agree that the Live service reads the state of the Xbox and if it's changed after that time then they nix the access. If you are using progressive by way of the BIOS mod for VGA, and not via a transcoder, and you obviously aren't using Live (at least it sure sounds that way? Never had the update?) then why bother? And why would it matter to you if it locks you out? :huh:
Aren't the homebrew dashboards better anyway, allowing for progressive DVD playback, etc.?


Since not all Xboxes are signed up on the Xbox Live service, Microsoft does put dashboard updates on the latest software in an effort to keep exploits and bugs to a minimum. So if you have an older, non-Live dashboard on your unit and you insert the Dead or Alive Ultimate disk, the software will detect your old dashboard and automatically update it. There are steps you can take to prevent this, but if you're not interested in hacking the software there's no advantage in not having the latest software.

It's been my experience that different pressings of different games may or may not include an update. Your best bet is to get the latest Official Xbox Magazine demo disk (which is relatively cheap at $10) or pick up one of the Xbox Live games that comes with the free two-month Xbox Live subscription.


Hey, Thanks for all the help,
i've been trying to find help on this subject for a long time. Thanks again


I also have the vd-z3 there is a little ajustment on the side .(you need a small screw driver). Once I adjusted that the brightness it was perfect. But in my opinion the x2vga is simply the best and you can setup the dashboard even in 480i. It is well worth the money. It is not a upscan converter that you see on Ebay but a real transcoder. Check it out



Ive got my Xbox hooked up to my 21" CTX CRT monitor, using the BNC connectors on the back. My particular monitor supports SOG (Sync on Green), so only the Red, Green and Blue connections are used.

What you need to pull this off is, firstly a monitor that supports SOG. There are no connections on the Xbox HD pack for H and C sync. A Xbox HD pack, not the Advanced AV pack. An Xbox with either a modchip or a flashed TSOP, flashed with a VGA BIOS. You will also need to enable the HDTV modes in the Xbox dashboard.

Thats it, its a very simple procedure. Took me 20 minutes to get it up and running.

There are a couple of tutorials over at that explain a few other VGA methods. Perhaps I should write up a tutorial for my method.



Found this earlier, you need to do a special controller setting to enable the progressive dashboard once the firmware is updated, whether via Live or your game. No clue how this affects a modded box.


About the progressive keypress on a modded Xbox? Unlike other game consoles, the mod on an Xbox effectively replaces the entire onboard BIOS, rather than intercepting or changing a few stray signals. Therefore, the progressive output capability will be present only if the bios used in the mod supports it. Usually, most mods are a superset of the OEM ROM, especially if the capability to disable the mod is also present. However, I wouldn't count on being able to output progressive video on anything but a virgin, untouched Xbox unless I was the one who did the mod myself.

-KKC, who wonders if anybody's backward engineered the Xbox DVD drive yet, so that we can have an Xbox mechanism inside a laptop enclosure. :)