Component Video Adjustments Advice Needed

Started by DoubleDownOn11, May 13, 2005, 01:27:22 PM

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I've got a working Component video output signal from my ColecoVision, but the colors look slightly off and almost like it's too bright/white (muted).  Any ideas on what kind of components (resistors, capacitors) to install inline with the wiring to help clarify/brighten the picture.  Also should they just be applied to just the Y line or would the B-Y and R-Y lines need them too.  What's a good way to test this, just mock everything up on a breadboard and keep switching components untill the desired picture quality is achieved?  Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Does the ColecoVision produce component natively, or RGB? If it produces RGB, it's possible that your converter is introducing the colour shifts either itself, or via the loading it's putting on the RGB lines.

If you need to do colour correction, you'd be best to do it before it gets converted into component, as the colours are encoded across two of the lines.
[ Not an authoritive source of information. ]


Generaly speaking, you can't just take a video signal out from somewhere within the bowels of a game console, connect it straight to a monitor's input, and expect anything worthwhile. This is because the video processing circuits have a relatively high impedance while your monitor input is terminated at a low 75ohms. If you connect the monitor directly it'll excessively load the circuit and the picture will look awful.

You'll need to build a simple video amplifier, preferably with an output impedance of 75 ohms. That's about the best I can do without any more info. Use your cro to measure the signal levels you want to amplify (if you've got no cro then better give up now.).

Simply connecting random stuff to your monitor's input won't get you anywhere and you probably break something.....eventually....


It's component from the video processer.  I figured it out, I just had to add some components to a couple of the lines.