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Started by -RemovedByRequest-, April 26, 2005, 08:42:35 AM

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Whiles those pics are hellishly poor quality, that is a very very nice snes.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


i cant take credit for this snes, a friend of mine did it, it has a widened cart slot so as to fit us games aswel. very nice mod;)


That is so shiny. Great placement of the rocker switch. Good job taking pics outside, the sun gives the best light.  I should take pics of an unfinished snes mod i started years ago for a great laugh.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


sorry about the quality they where taken on my fone, that one above really blows mine out of the water but for a first attempt i was pretty happy. i really like the chioce of switch, when doing mine it didnt occur to me to use any other kinda of switch and the custom slot cover is really professional, could use a hand with my6 next one!  


The nice thing about crappy digital cameras is that they hide a multitude of sins.  You can't see the doghairs in the paint and those fingerprints you made when you picked it up before the paint dried - miraculously hidden!


lol.. like i said, that snes isnt mine, but i can put you onto the guy who made it if you like. i thought it was an awesome job, so i posted it here. i dont think thats the only one he's made. he sells them on ebay, he said he usually gets about AU$160+ for them


QuoteThe nice thing about crappy digital cameras is that they hide a multitude of sins.  You can't see the doghairs in the paint and those fingerprints you made when you picked it up before the paint dried - miraculously hidden!
Ahahahaa thats so fricken funny Lawrence, I see it after you mention it! Man you really picked that picture apart! AHAHA. He wasn't talking to you phreak.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


Atom: I was referring to my OWN paint jobs.  I suck with the painting, I really do.  All my attempts have lead to disaster, it's really embarassing.  I think the only one I managed to do decently was that skeleton Saturn I hacked up and painted, the metal shielding inside turned out really snazzy.  Shame everything in my room was coated in black dust...


lol, lawrence, im with you. i've only ever painted one thing that turned out well.. and the bottom of that didnt turn out so well anyway, thank god the rest did though. i guess im just no good with a spray can:P


Really? Cuz I swear after looking I found both. Its funny what the human brain can find in absence of what the eyes really see.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


lol, i dont see how you can be sure of anything there:s


Well thats what I am saying and I was so surprised when I thought he picked out stuff. Then I looked, and I thought I saw it too.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


nah if you whack the photo in photoshop and turn up brightness and contrast you can see a few faults not on the top where you say though the top is pretty much spot on the undersides finish is a bit rough because some dust blew on to it and had to sand it back but plastic is really hard to finish even with the finest sand paper/ wet and dry, i work better in a vent but since  i left college its dificult to get the facilitys, spray paint tends to drip and stick at the botom of pieces if u dont elevate it and let it breath.


wow how the hell did you get to the LED?

does it take a normal 3v 5mm one??


nimicitor, you kinda just open the console, desolder the led, then solder in a new one. yay. it's a 3.5v led i think. thats what i used anyway


oh right, i remember when i tryed to get at it last time it was surrounded by a grey housing i couldnt get off...


yeah, it's easy enough to desolder, get the solder off it, then you can pull it out. the new led will have to be attatched to the solder side of the pcb.


so insted of taking of the casing u just solder the new LED on the other side of the board?

does anyone know where i can get some pictures?

what side does the + and - go on?

thank you


Excuse me while I laugh at people for not knowing basic electronics. Just kidding folks.

the + and - should be marked, but I've never dared to mod my SNES, as a count that I don't have it anymore. I think that's already somewhere around. RTFM


if you cant find markings on the led for plus and minus just hold the two legs over a watch battery if it does not light up then turn it around! or take look in the led there is the metal bit in the centre it is a-symetrcially shaped all you have to do is match it up if i remember rightly the biger part goes on the left in the snes just take a look before u rip it out :D


in most cases, yes. however i have a freaky led which has the larger bit of metal inside as positive :S


Could you guide me as to how to replace the LED on my us snes with a differnt LED, i.e. what kind of LED TO buy and how to remove the old led and replace it with the new one, get back to me when you can
take care bye


any 3.5v led will do, all you have to do is attach it where the old one was, only on the opposite side of the pcb.  


How do i remove the old LED? it looks like its soldered in, and i belive you saidput the led on the opposite end, im not sure what you meant by that, is there anyway you could walk me through it if your knowledgeable enougha bout it? get back to me when you can take care bye