PAL Gamecube, RGB Scart output?

Started by Scikar, April 24, 2005, 01:46:29 AM

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I'm having trouble getting RGB out of my PAL Gamecube. I bought a Joytech RGB Scart lead from, but I'm only getting composite out of it. I know the TV supports RGB because I have an RGB Scart lead for my Xbox. The TV detects the Xbox signal in RGB and switches to RGB by itself. WHen I plug the GC RGB lead into the same port though, the TV doesn't switch and I just get composite. As far as I know, there isn't a way to force the TV to use RGB. So far I've tried Super Smash Bros. Melee and Resident Evil 4.

I've narrowed it down to one of a few problems, I was wondering if anyone else has experience with this and can help narrow it down further.

1) The pin to select RGB isn't connected by the cable (i.e., cable sucks).
2) The Gamecube doesn't support the pin select and expects people to set their TVs to RGB manually. (Not likely?)
3) Only specific games support RGB output, and SSBM and RE4 are not among them.

So, any help/other ideas?

Thanks in advance.


just quoting some other people:
find the 5v wire coming from the gamecube, send it through a 100 ohm resistor into pin 16. this should switch your tv to rgb.

another thing: you sure your cable is scart rgb, and not just scart composite?


There's also the possibility that your cable is either defective or crappy.  I've heard the story often of SCART cables that aren't RGB.


It proudly proclaims all over the box that it's RGB Scart. I've ordered another, hopefully less broken one, if that doesn't work I'll see about connecting pin 16 by hand. Thanks for the help.