Digital A/V Port Pinout Information for GameCube

Started by RARusk, April 13, 2005, 03:54:27 PM

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Been all over Google and I can't seem to find any pinout information for the Digital A/V port for the GameCube. If I'm going to hotwire the DAC chip within the GameCube Component Video cable to the motherboard of an Xbox (for VGA purposes) I really need to know what those pinouts are. Anybody out there know anything about that particular port?
Console hacking is like sex. For best results you got to know where to poke.....


The problem is not in the pinout, but in the digital protocol of the gamecube. You will likely never be able to put that chip in an xbox for vga! Notice how its called the "Digital A\V Port?" That means the gamecube is sending some sort of digital information (composed of bits) across those wires that the DAC then converts to component or in your case RGB. The XBOX of course does not do this. Sorry, if you want VGA you will need an upscan converter from the tv level RGB.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


it might work, Atom, as there are standards for digital component video.  There are, actually, a LOT of standards.  So it prolly won't work, but what the hell right?  If it does we all win.  =D

Pin Assign of CMPV-DOL D/A Chip

[1�`4] DATA
[5] 3.3V
[6�`10] DATA
[11] CLK(50MHz)
[12] GND
[13,14] 1.2V Compensation or Filter??
[15] R-Y
[16] GND
[17] B-Y
[18] 3.3V
[19] Y
[20] SENS? (maybe connected to Japanese D Connector)
[21] Hsync
[22] Vsync
[23,24] GND

Pin #12 is switch for Component/RGB mode. You need desoldering that pin and pull up to 3.3V. In that conncector, connector Pin#1 is 3.3V. User 10k ohm to pull up, that may be enough.
Then, you need connect some conntector to output. Y will become G, BY and BY to B, RT to R.
At this RGB mode, sync signal will not on Green. So you need connect H and V sync directly from D/A converter. That D/A have separate sync on Pin #21 and #22.


I will eat my hat. XBOX's chip doesnt output digital rgb anywhere does it?
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


The Focus video chip does not output digital signals. However, my focus is on the raw digital signals that go into the chip that makes the video. I was poking around my Xbox looking for RGB Analog signals from the motherboard similar to what I did to my PS2. I did not find what I was looking for but I found the raw digital RGB signals that are converted to analog signals in the Focus chip. But what I found is that these raw signals are always PROGRESSIVE scan even at the Dashboard which is always at 480i. Even more interesting is when I put it into Component Video mode these digital RGB signals become digital Component Video signals.

When I mentioned this in my "PS2 RGB Off of the Motherboard" topic, Lawrence suggested I try to hotwire the DAC chip within the GameCube Component Video cable into the Xbox to tap into these signals as they go to the Focus chip.

The chip appears to be very promising. However, there are eight DATA lines but I need to know WHAT data goes on each line. Then I need to find the CLK signal off the Xbox motherboard too and I have no idea where to begin.

Somebody else in another forum mentioned DVI and I am wondering if what I found can be considered that. I will take a closer look at DVI and DVI-to-VGA information too. Could be useful.

If you're going to eat your hat Atom, I suggest using Ranch dressing.  :P  
Console hacking is like sex. For best results you got to know where to poke.....


Even if you dont pull it off, im impressed at the thinking your putting into it. Keep poking around, If was a little more open minded about opening my xbox id try to help you trace stuff on the mobo.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN