RGB -> Component Lead (Megadrive/Genesis)

Started by cauterize, April 05, 2005, 02:54:30 AM

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I recently made a RGB scart cable for my Megadrive which works a treat! looks great too...

However i have a friend in the USA who asked me to build one for him as a favour, unfortunately they dont have Scart over there so i will have to build one with Component Leads coming out....

As for the Video, would i put all the Video signals into one lead on the cable to the Video Out, or is that the wrong approach?


An RGB to component conversion is not such a simple thing. Component isn't RGB, and his TV set will not take the broadcast properly. There are devices that can do the job but they cost more than the console--just over 100USD I believe.


I think when I get around to re-doing my site I will make a page so that people can critically weigh out the labor of these kinds of mods vs the value of the end result. A simple SCART cable like you have done is fine, but so many people just KILL THEMSELVES for RGB and spend hundreds to thousands of dollars to find a solution. Im not putting that kind of money into my SNES or Genesis. Theres also no way im taking a rare arcade board and hacking it into a million pieces to get RGB out of my toaster NES.

Your friend would probably do better if you made him a DirectPad Pro interface to play GENS on his pc with the original controller. Hey, maybe his video card has S-Video! S-Video is pretty darn good for low res games. If you need more info Ill be happy to post some links.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN


Someone put together a VGA RGB to YPrPb converter for displays running 480p. You might well be able to use this as a basis for building a converter. I don't know how component handles the sync signals - perhaps someone else can clarify this?

Link: http://www.keohi.com/keohihdtv/interfaces/diytranscoder.html
[ Not an authoritive source of information. ]


Cheers for the quick replies guys,m i appreciate it...
Hmmm i didnt realise they were so different... no worries...

With a PAL Modded MD & a AV->Component  to a NTSC TV would it display b/w on 50hz then or 60hz? or neither?


No, it wont display anything because the converter circuit he posted while very useful is for VGA. You might be able to tweak it and get it to work, but I have no idea how without a component TV.
forgive my broked english, for I am an AMERICAN

Max Destiny

Well basically you would have to take the pinouts given on gamesx.com for the genisis, get a 8 pin- din connector and then solder the wires on for the RGB and put RCA connections on the end of each wire.

From there on you would have to get a device that converst RGB to component video (Pr/Pb/Y) which can run about $100 US then you would be able to display RGB quality on TV.

Personly I havent done this, Ive decided to build the cable, and then buy an RGB monitor for an arcade machine and just hook it up to that.



cauterize, are you sure youre thinking of component? you said put all the signals into one wire? component has three cables, then two more for audio.
if all you are trying to do is escape the RF cable, you could just build him a composite video cable, for old games, it's not so bad playing via composite.. especially if it's your only option next to RF.

the only time i will use RF is when i am forced to with my atari 2600, and probably with the intellivision i am getting. these are the older things in my collection, and the atari is in very nice condition. i do not want to hack composite out of it.